Senate Passes 2010 Supplemental Capital Budget

Around 10:30 pm this evening, the Senate passed the 2010 supplemental capital budget (HB 2836) with a vote of 33 to 13.

The 2010 supplemental capital budget provides funding for some new projects as a result of savings achieved through bid savings and the recognition that some projects would not be possible this biennium allowing their appropriations to be used elsewhere.

The budget includes an additional $100 million to add to the $505 million in the Jobs Creation Act (HB 2561) passed earlier this evening.

The 2010 supplemental capital budget passed this evening is a mixed bag for Evergreen. The upside is that the budget provides $125,000 for a feasibility study of the College’s Biomass Gasification Project. This investment makes the state a partner along with Evergreen students and the College who also provided $125,000 each to the study through energy-related fees and energy-cost savings.

The capital budget also reflects the shift from the operating to the capital budget ($3.247 million) of facility maintenance and operations costs.

Finally, the capital budget places greater reliance on Evergreen’s local funds, including the school trust and a portion of student tuition.

House Bill 2836 now goes to the House for concurrence.