Reusing items is an often neglected portion of the 3 R’s of sustainability (reduce, reuse, and recycle). Instead of buying everything new when you come to Evergreen, there is a myriad of resources for finding still-usable items that are ready for a new home.

This video is a great summary of waste streams. It beautifully explains the consumer-waste connection and the importance of reducing our waste and reusing resources as much as possible.


A great place to begin your search is Craigslist. Within the “For Sale” section is a free section. If you check this resource regularly, there will often be furniture or other useful or expensive items. The Thurston County Reusable Materials Exchange is another great resource for finding used items in and around Olympia. There are also 2 “Free Stores” in Olympia. One is on campus in the HCC, and one is at the West Olympia Food Co-op. There is also a Goodwill 3 miles from Evergreen on the corner of Cooper Point Rd. NW and Harrison Ave NW.

Donating Items:

All of the resources listed above are also great places to donate items or try to sell usable items you have, keeping them from the landfill. For items like blankets, clothes, medical supplies, outdoor gear or personal hygiene products, EGYHOP is a great non-profit in Olympia that distributes necessities to the homeless youth population of Olympia.

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