Become a Code Hero: Play to Learn

Alex Peake and his crew at Primer Labs are working on creating a game that teaches you how to make games.

Code Hero is a game being developed by Primer Labs that teaches people how to write code while playing in an interactive 3D environment. It can be described as a co-op, first-person science shooter where you can manipulate the surrounding environment using a code ray gun to complete puzzles. Code Hero is great for beginners with no prior programming experience. It accomplishes this by allowing new players to copy complex code without understanding it fully, then follows up by teaching you about different parts of the code. This allows new players to get comfortable with coding languages so they don’t feel overwhelmed in the beginning.

Code Hero was originally intended to be a single-player, first-person shooter but – as more money was raised from Kickstarter – Primer Labs decided to go for multiplayer. This allows coders to share their worlds and work in teams to achieve larger goals. Another great reason to include multiplayer is to add a mentorship role to the game. More advanced coders can help the newer ones understand the basics and teach them some cool tricks.

Although Code Hero is still in early development, Primer Labs hopes to have its first release at Pax Prime (August 31st – September 2nd) this year where they will show off their hard work.


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