Open Wifi, Closed Doors

In an ostensible effort to reduce instances of digital crime and identity theft, police around the globe have begun buying into a campaign known as “Operation Wardrive”, an initiative originating in Austin, TX, designed to increase global web security by going door-to-door and ordering residents to password-protect their networks. However, the stern words of law enforcement are ringing hollow in … Continued

Opower, The Kilowatt App

Looking for a convenient way to save money on your monthly utility bill? Having trouble cutting your energy use to live more environmentally friendly? Opower, the ingenious social app that integrates your energy bill and your Facebook, is fueled by friendly competition and “positive peer-pressure.” Check it out and start saving! Opower‘s main purpose is to “engage the millions of … Continued

Google Glasses

Imagine a world where all of the capabilities of your smartphone are incorporated into your field of vision. Maps, information, and communication tools would be readily available, without looking away from what you are doing or where you are going. It may sound like a Terminator fantasy, but engineers at Google call it Project Glass. Unveiled last week, Project Glass … Continued

New York to Beijing in Two Hours?

Towards the end of the 17th century, Ferdinand Verbiest, a Flemish Jesuit missionary, began drawing up plans for a steam-powered trolley which is thought to be the prototype for what is today’s automobile. Centuries later, the “horseless carriage” was considered the way of the future: a new technology that would carry the times as a revolutionary mode of transportation. Many … Continued

Holographic Immortality: Tupac returns to the stage at Coachella

Despite being  murdered 16 years ago, on Sunday the 15th of April 2012, Tupac graced the stage with Dre and Snoop at Coachella. Perhaps what has lived on as his greatest legacy, is, besides a glorious career and dramatic exit,  a devout following on the internet of people who claim he is still alive. At you’ll find a list … Continued

Crowd Sourced Fiction: Star Wars Uncut

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was first released onto the big screen in 1977 and since has spawned a series that has entertained millions of devout fans and earned hundreds, upon hundreds of millions of dollars. Despite fan disapproval of re-releases and those dreadful “bonus scenes,” Star Wars has retained its classic film appeal. Back in 2009, Casey … Continued

Digital Forecast: Partly Cloudy

Now a days, we have so many documents and files floatin’ around everywhere. Many users have portable USB’s to store, move, and organize those files so it’s easy to pick up from where they left off on any computer. But are there other ways to keep your digital content organized? Besides, what happens when you lose that USB? Recently, what’s … Continued

Is Copying Music Theft?

The Internet has vastly influenced today’s culture; it is an unlimited space for information to be passed around, knowledge and information being today’s most powerful tools. One way to share this information is through file sharing, but many question, should file sharing be considered as stealing or outright theft? Are the penalties for sharing files just? Why do some of … Continued

Got a Mac? Update it NOW!

We’ve all heard the common Mac mantra, that Mac users don’t need to worry about security concerns because they don’t get viruses. That’s a lie. A particularly nasty botnet called Flashback has been making the rounds in the past couple of days and has infected nearly three quarters of a million Mac computers. If you use OSX 10.6 or 10.7, … Continued

Fahrenheit 2550

We are children of the iEra; driven by the silica that runs in our blood, we traverse the great digital sea of interconnectedness on devices and touch screens which are at the same time carnal and ephemeral, interface flowing beneath our lightly dancing fingers. These are not the crude digits of our forebears, with their stumbling, muttering gait, unsure of … Continued