Greener Life

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Snowshoeing Mount Rainier

This past Sunday I made it up to the Paradise side of Mount Rainier. It was a beautiful sunny day. You definitely needed sunscreen and sun glasses. We spent the day snowshoeing up to Panorama Point, where we got excellent vista views of Mount Adams, Mount St Helens, and Mount Hood. It is avalanche season […]

Week 10 at Evergreen

How do you know its week 10 at Evergreen? Ah yes, the smell of Thai takeout wafting through the library packed full of students working to finish their final projects. The final week of class each quarter is actually pretty laid back compared to what a lot of other school’s finals weeks look like but, […]

Guest Lecturer: Veronika Irvine

Not too long ago I had the privilege of attending a guest lecture by Dr. Veronika Irvine – a computer scientist and fiber artist. At Evergreen, students have the opportunity to attend lectures by candidates for teaching positions at the school and to provide feedback as to whether or not we believe the candidate would […]

What to Do When You Get Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled at Week 9

I had the lucky timing of getting my wisdom teeth pulled right before Week 9 (out of 10) of Winter quarter. One of them being infected, I decided it was a good idea to get them out as soon as possible. However, this meant that I was also spending an entire weekend sleeping in the […]


One of my favorite places to hang out on campus proper is Photoland (located on the lower level of the Library building), home to all things photography on Evergreen’s campus. I took a Night/Weekend 4-credit course Fall 2017 that was basically an introduction to black and white film photography. Basically I took this course because […]

Sunshine, D20’s and Rolling 1’s

Hi there! Well my nerdy Evergreen apartment life would be amiss if I didn’t include some of the student group activities I do here on campus. For example the RPG Guild, a student club/group dedicated to tabletop role playing games that includes, but isn’t limited to D&D, Fate, Star Wars, Pathfinder, even some RPing with […]

Wool Spinning Class at Arbutus Folk School

For the past month, I was able to take classes on spinning wool at Arbutus Folk School in downtown Olympia to learn how to spin wool as part of my independent learning contract for school. Arbutus is a very cozy space dedicated to all things crafty, ranging anywhere from fiber arts to building boats. The […]

Si Chuan Opera( 川剧 )

Tonight I had the honor and pleasure to watch the touring Sichuan Opera: Buddhist and Ghost Plays with Madam Chen Qiaoru. They traveled from their performance in Seattle to grace the stage of our campus experimental black box theater. I’ve never experienced Western opera, let alone Chinese opera, so this was a completely new experience. […]

OSU Small Farms Conference

This past Saturday (Feb 24), I was given the opportunity to attend Oregon State University’s Small Farm’s Conference. This is an annual conference that is geared toward small farms (30 acres or less) located in the Pacific NorthWest. It is an eclectic mix of vegetable growers, orchardists, ranchers of all sorts of livestock, and cut-flower […]

Snowy Evergreen

For me, snow is always super magical and fun. I always have a really hard time concentrating when it snows because I just want to be outside running around in it. This past week, Olympia got 5-6 inches over 3 days which made for a messy commute and couple days on the farm. But it […]

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