Waterwise Pollinator Garden

About the Garden:

The Waterwise Pollinator Garden has been planted with species that attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. Its purpose is to educate about the excessive use of pesticides in backyard gardens and how they impact pollinators as well as point out the significance of reduced pollinator rates. The plants in this garden are also drought tolerant, needing little supplemental irrigation during the dry months of summer.

Students in the program Christian Roots installed the Medicinal Herb Garden at the Organic Farm in winter 2004. This garden is based on the four square design of Persian origin and common in Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The Physick Garden at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver inspired the design. This garden is used to promote the medicinal use of easy to grow European plants like chamomile, oregano, lavender, lemon mint, and peppermint. This garden promotes increased self-reliance for treating common health problems like colds, indigestion, and stress. By integrating history into the design and associated interpretive panel, the garden elevates awareness of the significant influence of Christianity and Middle Eastern traditions on European herbology and styles of gardening.

Teaching Resources:

Species list from 2002 Arboretum Plan for TESC

Here’s a print resource that’s accessible and extremely relevant:

Buchmann, Stephen L. and Gary P. Nabhan, 1996. Forgotten Pollinators. Island Press. Washington D.C.

And a pair of web resources with more information about the College’s Arboretum Plan, and the Teaching Gardens specifically:

