Tagged: change


IX: Struggle

It took me a while to learn that just because my experience of something doesn’t match a commonly accepted description, that doesn’t mean that my experience isn’t real. Namely: struggle. All the memes and conversations seemed to suggest that there was...


VI: Canines

I had a dream about my dog last night. Dreams about my dog always bum me out because he’s 2,200 miles away and living (permanently and against my will) with my high-school ex-boyfriend, with whom I was living when Attila became...


V: Paths

The more you tread a neural pathway, it becomes more well-worn and easier to access. You commit it not just to memory, but to feeling. Hurt never goes away: you just learn a new path. So often you wish life was...

small section of alleyway with childlike graffiti of ghost wearing party hat, and spotted mushrooms 4

IV: Impassioned

Waterdog was in the street screaming obscenities at cars like it was his job. Angst, like sunlight, can be measured in reflectivity: tonight, despite the darkness, the albedo is close to a perfect one. “I was thinking about stopping taking my antidepressants....