All the Animals I have Annoyed

Location: Along the tracks, under the bridge

Friday: April 29


Saturday: April 30


When I was a child I used to get excited when I saw a deer: on the side of the road, in someone’s yard, or just in general; they are wild animals therefore I saw them as special. As I grew older I kept seeing deer, this is Washington after all, and that excitement dwindled. It came to a point where people would point them out and I would not bother looking up, deer aren’t special.  Over the last few years I became disheartened by my way of thinking, of course deer are special – I had to remind myself. They may be around, but they do not live with us, they are feral But they choose to search and explore, and we get to witness their curiosity – we are curious ourselves.
I bring this up for a couple of reasons. In the past couple of days I saw a lot of wild animals. Although it is not wild, the land is abandoned and the animals do call this place home. Because of this, or in spite of (I haven’t figured it out yet), I was happy to see them, it was exciting, especially to come back the next day and see familiar faces. But the animals ran away from me, or they hissed at me because they were nesting. These animals did not seem curious, they seemed annoyed. I need to respect them for being wild and let them do so.

Side Note:
I have a greater appreciation for wildlife photographers. It is difficult to get a a picture of something mobile, let alone a half way decent one; takes a lot of patience.

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2 Responses

  1. estkai14 says:

    I love this, looking at exploring as being the intruder into wild animals’ places. Your captions are hilarious!

  2. meyseq10 says:

    I find it interesting how many animals you’re actually seeing. It makes sense because of where you’re located. The ones I find at my site are all fairly domesticated, or are birds. The variance between a few blocks , and some extra human interaction is interesting.

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