Animals of Olympia

I expect to see humans and birds when I go to downtown Olympia, and I was not shocked to see bees and dogs. I was a little more surprised to see a snake. As I was walking along the left side of the 5th ave. bridge I kept hearing a quick rustle of moving grass as if something was running away, I assumed it was the wind, but on the third time of it happening I saw the snake slithering away, I did not know what kind but later learned there is a good chance it is a garter snake. I saw another, identical snake on a shrub later on; that makes me think these types of snakes are common and I would probably see them more often if I were more aware.

A common theme I noticed was the separation between humans and animals. As mentioned above, the snakes were trying to get away from me. But it is interesting that I only saw them in areas that are seemingly unkempt, areas where there is not much attempt at upkeep. There is a lot of litter and untidy plants. Birds are another example of this, they always fly away if I get too close. One thing I did notice while staring at the 4th ave. bridge is that the birds were resting on a ledge directly under the walkway; as if to purposefully stay away from humans.

It definitely puts into perspective that the more land we take from animals by things such as deforestation, the less room for them, so eventually they may have to interact with us humans, something they probably do not want to do.

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2 Responses

  1. estkai14 says:

    Your take on the interaction between humans and animals was really powerful to read. Too often, we all get so caught up in what we think and feel that we forget that there are others than us who also are trying to live the best lives they can.

  2. Erin says:

    I also saw a garter snake when I was out observing too! It will be interesting to see what those interactions will look like in the future with our changing earth.

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