Author: Amanda


Reflection 4

June 1: I had a tough day that day, everything felt stale, nothing went right. I got off work at 9 at night, I didn’t feel like going home, I felt awful, I thought...


A Little History

After scouring the Pacific Northwest, the Northern Pacific Rail line made the decision to house the terminus in Tacoma in 1873, as opposed to Olympia. The residents were upset; being the terminus implies a...


The Future??

When I was in elementary school, around 4th grade, I went on a field trip to the Tacoma Art Museum. If I remember correctly, there was a studio space on the top floor where...


The Future?

What would be of the 5th ave. bridge with a 1 meter and 4 meter sea level rise. Take into account the tides, the image produced on google earth appeared to show a pretty...



All behind a “no trespassing” sign. A place to hide secrets. So much glass, so much trash, fire… vampires must hate this place. Underwear? Fun. Dangerous. Be careful. A lack of a burden to...


The Geese

For a while, the geese gave me a reason to come back. I had spotted a nesting goose along the train tracks and thought it my duty to visit her everyday. And so I...


Reflection 2

Sometimes people want to be alone. I went to my area of inquiry Friday, April 29. It had been at least a week since I had been there, it had been a long week....