Category: Olympia Present



One of my favorite areas in Downtown Olympia is this giant land of concrete across from the Bayview grocery store. It used to house two abandoned buildings, one being the old Health Department. I...



This picture was taken April 10th, between eight and nine o’clock at night. It is one of my favorites because it is impossible to tell what it is (which means it can be anything)....



Evidence of Breeding Season: Monday, April 11th. I sat by the lake staring at a pair of ducks for twenty or so minutes. I saw the female floating in the water alone, followed by...


Reflection 1

Saturday afternoon, I went back to my area of inquiry to take pictures today. I decided not to take notes because I wanted to take everything in and reflect; whatever stood out in my...



While visiting the Capital Campus today, which over looks the Capital Lake, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to check in on my area of inquiry, from a far. The land mass is...


Animals of Olympia

I expect to see humans and birds when I go to downtown Olympia, and I was not shocked to see bees and dogs. I was a little more surprised to see a snake. As...


Hidden Places

I went back to my area of inquiry yesterday, and I have to say it was a very lovely experience. The weather was quite nice (sunny and windy), There were a lot of living...