
While visiting the Capital Campus today, which over looks the Capital Lake, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to check in on my area of inquiry, from a far. The land mass is smaller than I had realized, downtown Olympia is large, but it gets very thin as one is headed towards the two bridges. This is not surprising considering the perspective is different, I am not inside it, I am looking at it, therefore I can see the whole area. This also helps me compare the area to its surrounding areas; the elevation is much lower than West Olympia. When visualizing sea level rise I can imagine which parts of 5th ave. would be underwater and which parts would be safe.

It is much less noisy from above, in fact, when listening for noises coming specifically from that area, I could only hear birds, honking, and a siren from an ambulance passing through; the higher pitched noises were the only ones I could hear. This also has something to do with looking down and being far away, certain pitches must travel farther . I could see a lot of traffic on the 4th and 5th ave, bridges, but I would not have known if I had closed my eyes, and people stopped honking their horns.


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