The Future?

What would be of the 5th ave. bridge with a 1 meter and 4 meter sea level rise. Take into account the tides, the image produced on google earth appeared to show a pretty low tide, as compared with my own observations of the land.

Before:                                                     After:


There does not seem to be a huge difference of land loss between a 1 meter sea level rise and a 4 meter sea level rise. Both will lead to the 5th Ave. bridge becoming inoperable,  and the abandoned train tracks/ parking lot to become flooded. I guess either way, Downtown Olympia is screwed.

Before:                                                     After:



Honestly, I don’t expect the abandoned train tracks to be cared about, they don’t seem to be now. They are riddled with trash, and invasive species, it is clear no one is taking care of this place, not for the comfort of humans. This does not matter much, because people still wander about, and find a use for the place. But when it comes to the rising tides, even those uses will be no more. Either way the land will be flooded. But look at the bright side, the rainbow bridge will still be there, people will just have to swim to it.


4 meter sea level rise

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