The Future??

When I was in elementary school, around 4th grade, I went on a field trip to the Tacoma Art Museum. If I remember correctly, there was a studio space on the top floor where classes would go to make art projects. Well my class had a simple assignment; each student would take urban set photograph and either paint what that place would look like in the future, or what it would look like in the past. Now out of 30 or so nine-year-olds, 29 of us chose to depict what our places looked like in the past – completely devoid of human interaction: all nature. The one person to depict their place in the future also created a land devoid of humans: all nature. Their theory concludes as followed: nature(the wild) will someday take control; humans will advance so far that they will destroy themselves. There ended up being 30 paintings filled with green trees and no humans in sight.

I remember thinking that everyone chose to paint trees and grass because they are easier to paint than hover cars and robots. Looking back, that kid is probably just a genius.

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