Photoshop: Basic Editing

Corrections-featuredAdobe Photoshop is a terrific tool for enhancing images. Whether you’re editing an old, sun-bleached photo from the 70’s or making snow day pictures look less blue, Photoshop has a few simple and easy tools to help. Unfortunately some photos are too low of quality to begin with and can’t be helped as much as we’d like. For example, some images are either too dark or too light, and there isn’t any detail to be enhanced; this tutorial might not help with these types of photos. Here are a few basic tools and tricks, though, to help you make your pictures all that they can be!

WordPress upgrade on Sept 11

WordPress will be upgraded to version 3.4.2 this Tuesday morning between 7am and 8am.  This will provide some new features, the most exciting one being really improved in-line contextual help.  The outage will be less than an hour, thanks for your patience and let us know what you think the next time you go to […]

Faculty Technology Fair Sept 12

techfairThe 2012 Tech Fair summer faculty institute is close at hand.  The fair will be held Wednesday September 12 in the Computer Center, which we will close down for the entire day so the whole facility can be dedicated to this event. The plan is for there to be four categories of concurrent activities from […]

Moving Your WordPress

moving-your-wordpress-featuredA few months after graduation, students lose access to their my.evergreen information. Former Student accounts can be requested, but even then you lose access to a lot of tools offered to current students. One of those tools is blogs.evergreen. Blogs.evergreen gives students a domain and account with which to make WordPress-based blogs or websites. Some students are asked to create … Continued

Intellectual Property and The Patent Troll

intellectual_property_fullPatents are something that the majority of Americans aren’t too familiar with. While they run our daily lives, and we interact with the fruits of their labor on an almost constant basis, the average person hasn’t been exposed to what it means to protect “intellectual property,” and how that affects the world’s market.

Wifi Security: Locking Down Your Home Network

wirelesshome150This guide will help you understand the basics of your wireless router, and how to ensure it is as secure as possible against intruders, also commonly known as free loading neighbors. If you are well versed in the basics of wifi, check out our advanced guide to speeding up your connection.

Tuning Your Home Wifi Network for Speed

dark-knight-routerThis quick guide will help you achieve better overall internet speed, especially if you live in a wireless dense area like an apartment complex or dorm. You can read our beginner’s guide to wifi security here.  Before we begin: This guide assumes you can connect to your router directly and are familiar enough to change settings in the web interface. Our … Continued

Open Source Home Theater: XBMC

xbmc2What is it? XBMC is a home theater software system. XBMC is open source, free, and constantly expanding. XBMC, it must be said, and this is not a minority opinion, is amazing. Attach a second monitor to your Windows, Linux, or Mac machine, preferably an HDTV and you now have a media library that is not only organized and streamlined, … Continued

Our Student Publication: Seeds and Circuits

Seeds and Circuits, a publication of the Academic Computing Center at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA.We’re always working on something amazing here at Evergreen’s Academic Computing Center. Our latest masterpiece is an all new student publication: SEEDS AND CIRCUITS.

Take a look at our first issue, if you will. We’d love to have you tell us how TOTALLY AWESOME it is! If you’ve got anything else to say, we’re willing to hear that, too.

Seeds and Circuits is created by the student staff of the Academic Computing Center. It is written and edited BY and FOR students at The Evergreen State College.

Evergreen spam filters are working

Screen Shot 2012-06-04 at 8.59.20 AMJames Gutholm, Associate Director of C&C, Network Services has done a recent review of our mail systems and has shared some of the recent trends. Specifically looking at the amount of spam and malware that are filtered through the Evergreen mail servers he says "At the height of spam, ~2 years ago, we were getting about 1.3 million messages per day. I think the worst day we saw was ~1.7 million with 99.7% being spam." Take a look at the graphs to see how hard the spam filters are working and how much is getting bounced on a regular basis. This is a strong improvement from where we were 5 years ago.