Nate D's A-Pop Blog

Asian/American Pop Culture Blog

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A Pop Seminar notes 9-29-17

Riffin on history and it’s malcontents. Popular: regarded with favor, approval, or affection by people in general*  Culture:1. The quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners,… Continue Reading →

What the Hell, Ghost in the Shell

WWW.ScarJo in the Shell.arg? I understand things you love as a kid, sometimes don’t have the same feel when you go back as an adult and watch them.  This film although visually pleasing, but left a hole in the hearts… Continue Reading →

Project 2501: Ghost In The Shell

Project 2501!!! I thought I’d heard of another live action Ghost In The Shell project over the past few years, but hadn’t given it much thought till recently.  After watching the 2017 Rupert Sanders directed hack job, I dug around… Continue Reading →

Scissor Post Intro

Asian American pop culture current crosscurrents.  I took this this class because I just decided to come back to college in early August, and the Sustainable Business class I came back to college to take.  Was full, and was only… Continue Reading →

Final Project Brainstorming

Final paper Topic Option 1 Thinking about the Kitchen book I read several years ago, how the kitchen is the center of the home.  It’s where the family comes together and bonds together.  It’s a possible topic for my Final… Continue Reading →

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