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Author Archives: powcas23

Casey- May 4th

Tomorrow I arrive in Santiago…

Casey- May 3rd

In Arzúa!

Casey- May 2nd

In Palas de Rei.

Casey- May 1st

At 4pm I found myself sitting on a fence of stone next to a patch of wild flowers. Greg Brown played through my earbuds as I gazed at the landscape: freshly tilled soil from the tractor at work, and grass spread over plots of farmland, the tops of white buildings of Portomarín in the distance. It […]

Casey- April 30th

Taking a rest day in Sarria.

Casey- April 29th

Happiness… Happiness is finding a simple green painted fence lined with morning glories that reminds you of your mother and far off fairy lands Happiness is meeting a person who changes the course of your day with their upbeat attitude and kind energy, leaving you feel cleansed and refreshed. Happiness is letting go and saying […]

Casey- April 28th

This afternoon I went for a walk around the small town of Triacastela, and sat down on a path under the setting sun. I played with the pebbles and dirt beneath my feet, feeling the sun’s warmth play upon my hair and cheeks. I felt the coarse sand and grass against my fingertips as I […]

Through Rose Colored Glasses

Today was a beautiful day up through the mountains, and it all began with a delicious, filling breakfast. Rose and I had been planning on making surprise pancakes for our group for about a week now, and this morning was the perfect opportunity- our hostel came equipped with a small stove, a glorious cast iron […]

Casey- April 27th

In the misty mountains

Old Friends and B(earth)day Wishes

For my birthday this year I received many wonderful gifts: a glorious hike through the woods, a relaxing massage, a beautiful handmade card from a fellow pilgrim, and a visit from my dear friend from high school, Ariel. I’ll admit I was both excited and nervous while walking to the León cathedral, where we had […]