to till or to not till

A lot of the vineyards in Rioja are divided into lines instead of being complete. I am talking about tilling vs not tilling. When you till it cuts the roots connecting vines to each other. The mycorrhizae are what makes trees in the forest talk. They connect all the roots to each other. When vineyards are tilled then they are connected to the row but not the entire vineyard. Another problem was lack of cover crops. Cover crops are a good replacement for tilling. Instead of taking the connection away, it is increased. There are many cover crops for different purposes. For example legumes are a popular one as they reduce runoff and erosion. They out compete the weeds and use less water. If there is a healthy cover crop it means that there is no need for herbicides. Reduced runoff and reduced use of herbicides means not as much bad shit in our water! With no tilling and cover crops the insect population will return and reach an equilibrium. The bugs will eat each other and the number of invasive insects such as leafrollers will be reduced. This means now we are not using pesticides. Good native cover crops seed themselves and only need to be planted once. The bugs will maintain themselves. The vineyard is now a holistic and a happy place!

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