Chapter 3 answers

Chapter 3 Review Question Solutions

1. TRUE or FALSE? The ARPANet, the precursor to today’s Internet, was funded

primarily by the U.S. Department of Defense.


2. TRUE or FALSE? Because the ARPANet utilized ordinary phone lines to connect

computers over large distances, it was slow compared to existing technologies of the



3. TRUE or FALSE? In a centralized computer network, the failure of a single machine or

connection can isolate large portions of the network.


4. TRUE or FALSE? A router is a special-purpose computer on the Internet that receives

message packets, access routing information, and passes the packets on towards their



5. TRUE or FALSE? When a message is broken into packets as transmitted over the

Internet, it is guaranteed that all packets will take the same route from source to





7. The Internet Society, an international non-profit organization, maintains and enforces

standards for the hardware and software of the Internet.



8. TRUE or FALSE? The World Wide Web was developed in the early 1970s, shortly after

the development of the Internet.


9. TRUE or FALSE? Microsoft marketed the first commercial Web browser.


10. TRUE or FALSE? In the URL is an example of an IP address., the


11. The Internet of today evolved from the ARPANet of the 1960s and 70s. In what ways is

the Internet similar to the old ARPANet? In what ways is it different?

Following the initial design of the ARPANet, the Internet is a distributed network that

utilizes packet-switching. However, the number of users and variety of uses for the

Internet has far exceeded any expectations of the ARPANet, which was designed for use

by a small number of military researchers. To accommodate the large number of

computers on the Internet, it has evolved into a hierarchical network, with high-speed

backbones for transmission between central locations and slower communication lines for

local connections.

12. The Internet is often described as the “Information Superhighway.” Describe how the

analogy of a highway system fits the structure of the Internet.

The backbone connections are analogous to interstate highways, providing fast

communications between principal destinations. Connected to the backbone are

transmission lines, which provided slower, more limited capabilities and linked

secondary destinations; these transmission lines could be compared to state highways.

Additional connections are required to reach individual computers, in the same way that

city and neighborhood roads are used to link individual houses.

13. Paul Baran proposed two groundbreaking design ideas for the structure and behavior of

the ARPANet. Describe these design ideas and the benefits they provide.

The first of Baran’s ideas adopted for the ARPANet was that of a

where control is distributed across a large number of machines. This allows for

messages to be rerouted along alternate connections when a particular computer or

connection fails. Baran’s other idea central to the ARPANet architecture was that of

identifies the Web server where the page is stored.distributed network,packet-switching

pieces and then sent independently to their final destination. Advantages of this approach


include a more efficient use of the connections, the ability to react to failures and

congestion, and improved reliability.

14. Describe how packet-switching can increase the reliability of a network.

In a packet-switching network, messages to be sent over the network are first broken into

small pieces known as

destination. If a message is broken into packets and the packets are transmitted

independently, it is probable that at least part of the message will arrive at its destination,

even if some failures occur within the network. If the recipient receives only part of the

message, TCP software on his or her computer can acknowledge the partial message’s

receipt and request retransmission from the sender.

15. Internet communications are defined by a set of protocols called TCP/IP. What do TCP

and IP stand for, and what is the role of each protocol in transmitting and receiving


, where messages to be sent over the network are first broken into smallpackets, and these packets are sent independently to their finalTransmission Control Protocol (TCP)

down into packets and then reassembled when they reach their final destination.

Protocol (IP)

controlling the packets’ paths from sender to recipient.

16. What is an IP address? What steps are involved in mapping a computer’s domain name


An IP address is a number, usually written as a dotted sequence such as

Special-purpose computers called

between domain names and their corresponding IP addresses

message to a destination such as

transmits a request to a domain name server, which matches the recipient’s domain name

to an IP address and returns that address.

17. Which has grown at a faster rate, the Internet or the Web? Justify your answer.

The data in Figure 3.15 gives somewhat mixed results. If you look at the period from

2006 to 2010, the Web has grown at a faster rate, with the number of Web servers

increasing by 133% compared with a 72% increase in Internet-connected computers.

Most recently, from 2008 to 2010, the number of Web servers has increased at a smaller

rate: 17% versus 33%. If you judge Web size by the number of pages, then the Web is

growing much faster (from 8 billion pages in 2005 to 40 billion pages in 2009).

18. What is hypertext? How are the key ideas of hypertext incorporated into the Web?


The term hypertext refers to documents that interlink text and media, such as images,

sounds, and alternate story lines. The Web utilizes hypertext in that Web pages can

contain other media and links to other pages as well.

19. What specific features did the Mosaic browser include that were not available in earlier

browsers? How did these features help make the Web accessible to a larger audience?

Mosaic employed buttons and clickable links as navigational aids, making the Web easier

to traverse. The browser also supported the integration of images and media within pages,

which enabled developers to create more visually appealing Web documents.

20. Describe two factors that contributed to Microsoft’s dominance of the browser market.

Microsoft’s financial position was much stronger than Netscape’s — due to its success

with other software products, Microsoft possessed vast resources with which to develop

and market its browsers. Also, Microsoft was able to leverage its dominance in operating

systems by packaging Internet Explorer as part of Windows.

21. What does HTTP stand for, and what is its role in facilitating Web communications?

controls the method by which messages are brokenInternet, on the other hand, is concerned with labeling the packets for delivery to its IP address?domain name servers are used to store mappings. When a computer sends, the sending computer firstHyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is t

exchanged between browsers and servers are formatted.

22. The World Wide Web Consortium maintains and regulates Web-related standards and

oversees the design of Web-based technologies. Visit their Web site (

review the organization’s goals and list of technologies under active development.

Describe three technologies (other than HTML, HTTP, and XML) whose development is

managed by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Student answers will vary.

23. How does caching improve the performance of a Web browser? Does caching reduce the

number of interactions that take place between the browser and the Web server?

When a page or image is first downloaded, it is stored in a temporary directory on the

user’s computer. The next time that page or image is requested, the browser first checks

to see if it has a copy stored locally in the cache, and, if so, whether the copy is up-to-date

(this is accomplished by contacting the server and asking how recently the page was

changed). If an up-to-date copy is stored locally, then the browser can display this copy,

instead of downloading the original. Caching can make downloading a new copy

unnecessary, but it still requires a check to see if the cached page is up-to-date.

he protocol that determines how to