
1.  Review and Questions
             4 questions to ask about jobs,  diagram programming process,  why digital? 

2.  Craps:  simple:    English to JavaScript

2.  Presentations:

3.  Functions:   Flow of control:   example:  online tool:
           -Trace online stack   Example and Questions

4.  Write Code:   Examples

5.  Competency test Thursday:  Read Code solution

6.  Craps with Functions
            GUI and Event Programming
                    craps1    craps2   craps3
                    Your program will use only if, while, and function
                    calls in the Start function, thus making your
                    English algorithm self documenting

7.  Style and Debugging
               using alert to trace code:   TTT example
               Style to help see where to go next

8.  Tic Tac Toe
             Play Game.  “watch” your brain
             English rules?  Hard part
             JavaScript templates:
                           Basic Output

9.  Big O and Algorithms  (Chapter 8)
            What is an Algorithm?
            Big O, Loops, and Scalability
            Computer Languages:  Time line
            Compiler and Interpreters

10.  Next Seminar:  A Big step up.
             Detailed notes:  questions and comments

11.   To Do List

12.   Competency Practice