1. Introduction
2. Wait List
3. Review of the Website:
What will we do? Syllabus
How will I get my credits and good Eval? Covenant
How will I Communicate with others?
assignments, presentations, programs, program comps, content exams
What will a class session look like?
4. Why are we doing this?
Front loading
Book vs Lecture
State transitions.. Where you are to where you will be
Goal: What you know, What you can do, What you believe
Be open to change: China
Passion vs Reason
7 +- 2 & Chunks
Reason with what you know
How to keep what you know
5. On the Computer:
This website: blogs.evergreen.edu/candc11
Text Website: balance3e.com
Internet, WWW, browser, html, javascript, network, server, client, ISP
Your webspace: http://wikis.evergreen.edu/computing/index.php/FTP_to_Coyote_(Windows)
JavaScript example: http://academic.evergreen.edu/v/vanetta/SimpleJavaScriptCode.html
6. What is a computer? What can it do?
7. Language lines and limits
8. Using Computer: Tools, Tutor, Tutee
How do tools hinder progress?
Computers don’t teach, teachers teach?
Why should we learn programming?
How to get/protect your job
9. Hardware vs Software. Limits of each.
10. Cognition and Computing: Where we are going
11. Computer Output: Computer golfer
12. Intro to HTML scripting and JavaScript coding:
13. Your home page:
14. The To Do List
15. Work time