
Website:   I will communicate with you as a group through this site.  Check the home page at least every other day.  I will have a dated, scrolling list of updates, changes, or other communications for the group posted here.   You should also download and install Mozilla Firefox browser, as it has less issues with JavaScript code.  You can download for free at:

Email:   Use this option to communicate with me directly.  My email for this course is:  You can also use the email for questions not directly related to this program.  You can and should use email to communicate with other students.  Check the About Me Forum for the emails for students in the class.  Feel free to make a group email list for study and communication purposes.

Forums:  Check the link under the Communications link on the Home Page (   Select the Forum link to go to the list of Forums for the course.  New ones will be added on a regular basis, and will often be the source of assignments you must complete by the assigned date to get points for the activity.  I will also monitor Forums to get an idea of the participation you have with replies and other communications.  I will take this activity into account in your evaluation at the end of the quarter.

Skype:  My skype name is abvanetten.   Add me to your skype account, and use Skype to ask questions of me.  I have video.  You will need at least a microphone to use Skype effectively.  Download Skype for free at:   Skype is like a free video phone online.

Web publishing:  You will be given a web space to post some of your assignments and presentations.  You will need a file transfer program to get your files to this space.  You can install and get details for how to do this at:

Instant Messaging:   I will be available online, using my class email ( for questions online.  You can use this method to communicate with me or other students my downloading and installing MSN messenger (GOOGLE it).  Check with others in the class for help, or see me.

Whiteboard:  We may install and use a whiteboard for small group discussions later in the course.  Details to follow.

Social Media:   If you have ways you would like to communicate using facebook, twitter, etc.. let me know.  We can incorporate features into our communications pallet as appropriate.