Week 2 Beer

The first beer I decided to make because I believe that it is a pretty standard beer with a variety of different grain types. This Beer will be referred to as Rye Pale Ale. Recipe was obtained from “Brooklyn Brewshop’s Beer Making Book.”

Rye Pale Ale (3 Gallon Batch)

  • Mash

5.4 lb Maris Otter Malted Barley

1.2 lb Malted Rye Grain

.5 lb Caramel 60 Malted Barley

.3 lb Caramel 20 Malted Barley

  • Boil

.9 oz Northern brewer hops divided in half

.6 oz Willamette hops divided in quarters

  • Ferment 

American Ale Yeast

  1. Heat strike water to 160°F for a target 150°F resting Temp.
  2. Grains are milled and steeped in mash tun for 60 minutes at an average resting temp of 146.3°F
  3. The mash is sparged with water that is 165°F. Wort is drained through grains two times and returned to the burner in a pot.IMG_0141
  4. Once the wort begins to boil (heatbreak) a timer is set for 60 minutes and half the Northern Brewer hops are added to the wort.
  5. At the 15 minute mark the other half of the Northern Brewer Hops are added.
  6. At the 30 minute mark one quarter of the Willamette hops are added.
  7. At the 45 minute mark one quarter of the Willamette hops are added.
  8. At the 55 minute mark one quarter of the Willamette hops are added. 
  9. At the 60 minute mark the last quarter of the Willamette hops are added as well as 1 tsp of Irish moss (type of red seaweed used as clarifying agent) and immersion chiller is added.
  10. The temperature of the wort is then lowered from around 200°F to 70°F using the immersion chiller.
  11. The wort is strained and oxygenated in a fermentation vessel and the yeast is added.