Tasting Lab – week 1
Three Sisters Stew and Homemade bread

I really enjoyed the Three Sister’s stew. I think this was a great way to represent the food, especially because of what the three sisters represents. These three main ingredients consist of beans, corn and squash. When growing the three plants, these three work in relationship with each other by being able to provide support and benefit one another. Tomatoes, another main part of the dish was added for flavor, along with heartiness, adding a strong sense of umami to the dish. Overall, the three sisters created a full body and flavor in the dish, and had a variety of pleasant textures between the squash and beans. There was a hint of zest from the spices, and the tomatoes brought a light sweetness in, adding more flavor.
The homemade bread paired along with the stew helped to complete the meal. These two together paired well and were able to add protein, aminos and carbs to create a filling meal.
I have always appreciated when anyone takes the time to make homemade bread. Even though bread can be made from simple ingredients, it still takes time and careful consideration to make it just right between flavor, texture, moisture and heartiness. Just as the quote states, the man is grateful for the bread, and promises to “eat every crumb of the loaf myself” (Tompkins 2012: 133). I grew up with a mother who would make bread for special holidays to share with family members, and ever since then, homemade bread has always been a very special thing to be able to eat. Bread does not speak to me as a food that should be gendered, but when you think of who would make bread, most would consider baking bread, or spending time in the kitchen alone to be feminized. When buying a loaf of bread from a grocery store, I am not able to think of who was behind making the bread, and we are not able to share a deeper connection and maybe have less of an appreciation for being able to eat their creation. Yet, with the consciousness of eating the bread Natasha made for the class, it brings on the awareness that someone took the time to make this meal, and made it taste even better.