Week 6 in review
                This week started out productive but ended up with a focus on heath instead of school work. After relapsing with sickness and not being able to attend my internships this week again, I had to spend most of my time at home, which was spent reading and writing. This was challenging for me because I wanted to be out doing things, but I had to also give myself the time to heal and spend time recovering. Monday was my most productive and fun day, where I attended the herbal medicine workshop at the SAL. We were able to learn brief information about native plants and medicinal herbs, as well as learn how to make a tincture and peppermint syrup. I spent more time dealing with hospital visits, ear infections, headaches and hives break outs than planned this week, but this made me realize I really needed to take more time to care for myself than I had been focusing on.
I was inspired though, from the herbal medicine workshop to focus on natural medicine to help take care of myself. This included ginger, lemon and local honey for improving low energy, headaches and sore throats, as well as garlic oil and hot tea, for my ear infections
After being sick for the week, and still going back to my family’s house to celebrate my father’s birthday and mother’s day, it was comforting to have food with my family. Seeing them is always comforting, but having my mom cook and make pizza from scratch is even more of a special experience. She made pizza dough out of the flour I brought back from Steve Jones’ Bread Lab in Skagit Valley. When Steve Jones stated this particular flour would be best for making pizza, my initial thought was to bring some home to share with my family, since pizza was one of my family’s favorite meals to make from scratch. Sure enough, just a few weeks later, we made pizza for my dad’s birthday, and had family friends over to share the meal with us. Celebrating mother’s day and a birthday in the same weekend, I was happy to be in good company with important people, sharing such a favorite meal, made from special flour.