Karen's ComAlt Field Study

Aquaponics - Spring Quarter 2017

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Week 4

It is the end of week 4. I had foot surgery on Monday which kept me inside.  By Thursday I was able to site down at the computer.  I learned how to upload photographs to my media library.  I also… Continue Reading →

Tasting Lab Post Week 9

I brought grilled leeks and cream of peanut soup for the Tasting Lab.  I am being critical of my food because it did not turn out as it has in the past.  The general consensus by my family is the… Continue Reading →

Seminar Weekly Post

Seminar weekly writing activity.

Week 1-3 Aquaponics

This is week 3 and I feel like I am on task for my objectives.  The Aquaponics building is wired, sheeted inside and ready for calking and panting in a few days.  A porch was added to the plans of… Continue Reading →

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