Live From Evergreen: Coontz’s ” The Myth of Male Decline” featured on Al-Jazeera

Coontz on Al-Jazeera via CCAM

Last week students, faculty and staff in Evergreen’s Center for Creative and Applied Media (CCAM) linked author and Evergreen faculty member Stephanie Coontz to Al-Jazeera’s web show, The Stream.  The topic was her September op-ed piece in the the New York Times, The Myth of Male Decline. Give it a read and talk back on this controversial topic.

We hope you’re as proud of the CCAM as we are — a great facility that allows Evergreen students to connect with the world.

Inkwell 2012



Editor’s Note: Sandy Yannone, Director of Evergreen’s Writing Center provides the following guest blog post about the latest edition of Inkwell.

Each year, the Writing Center’s tutors in Olympia and Tacoma practice the writing process they encourage student writers to explore by writing, designing, and editing Inkwell: A Student Guide to Writing at Evergreen. Now in its seventh edition, Inkwell features eclectic essays, poems, and tidbits of wisdom regarding how writers can cultivate their voice. As 2012 Co-Editors David Imhoff and Madeleine Stephens write, “Inkwell is both the end and the beginning of collaboration. The fruits of our collective reflection live here, accommodated by hours and weeks of conversation and writing.” Distributed free each fall, Inkwell also has sparked its own writing festival. This year’s InkFest includes writers Giovanna Marcus ’01, Paul Whitney ’04, Marissa Luck ’10, and Shanda Zimmerman ’10.

What was your experience as a writer at Evergreen? Has it helped you in the alumni afterlife?

Nikki McClure ’91 receives Scandiuzzi Children’s Book Award

This month, the Washington Center for the Book announced the winners of the 2012 Washington State Book Awards. Six outstanding books published by Washington authors in 2011 were selected. Nikki McClure ’91 received the Scandiuzzi Children’s Book Award for her book, To Market, To Market. You can click here to learn about the other recipients and to read the library’s full press release.

New Director of Seattle’s Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs

This October, Seattle’s Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs appointed Randy Engstrom ’99 as interim director.  Randy is founder and president of Reflex Strategies, a cultural and community based consulting services.  He has worked with innovative and emerging local community groups such as Youngstown Cultural Arts Center and Washington Bus Education Fund that focus on youth engagement through the arts.