The Evergreen Mind Creates a Space for Teachers

MPA Grad photoEvery June, the Master in Teaching Program at Evergreen graduates a new class of passionate, creative, innovative teachers. The program has gained a reputation for excellence, and every year, MiT alumni win more awards and accolades. They are close cohorts and like to stay in touch with each other, and with their graduate program.

In celebration of the public service Evergreen MiT alumni provide – as teachers, administrators, education innovators and advocates –  we’ve created this space to share, with permission, “MiTeachers”  vignettes and updates: classroom wit and wisdom, awards and honors, “a-ha” moments, cheers and tears – the meaningful elements that comprise a teaching life.

Of course, you can stay in touch with Sherri, Loren and Maggie directly as always. Now, you can also post directly in the “Leave a Reply” comments section, below.