Monday was peony madness. We spent pretty much the whole day after our morning chores working on the peony beds. We fertilized beds 1 and 6 (filled with the earliest emergence and the most expensive plants) and weeded beds 4 and 5. All of the drip tape had to be set up for all of the peony beds, the asparagus, and the raspberries. Doug’s drip tape is so well organized, but does take up a lot of space. He has it laid down in straight rows so it’s easy to tell the length (just use a measuring tape!) and easy to pull out/doesn’t tangle or get kinked. In addition, we set up HortiNova netting for bed 1.
Side note, exciting news for Doug. He was awarded a grant to build a permanent greenhouse structure on his property! Also, the freesias that we planted week 5 have started to emerge.

Photo: Allie Kuppenbender

Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Started out Wednesday in the greenhouse, watering and seeding. We bottom watered all of the bigger seedlings and misting those not yet germinated. We moved the Cerinthe and Matthiola outside to harden off. And then we seeded 2 flats of more Matthiola, one of each variety (Glory Lavender and Noble White).
We spent the rest of the morning and a good portion of the afternoon weeding beds 2 and 5 of the peonies. We also washed a ton of buckets and pots.