Little is Left to Tell, 2016 (novel)

about the author

Campanile Books

review of LILTT by Grant Miller @ necessary fiction

review of LILTT by Corina Villanueva @ American Book Review (exc.)


“This book was so damn strange for me

that I quit it around page 226” … & more  blog tour reviews




“… a deeply rich and surprising novel.” Amina Cain

“A vivid story that uses the language and metaphors of myth to reflect on the unkind nature of age and perception.” Kirkus Reviews

“We go underground in this book, and keep digging, with hooves and claws, until we’ve surfaced into a timeless flood that absorbs all of the communites, animal and imagined, populating this entangled network of narratives that destroys yet refuses to stop regenerating.” Daniel Borzutzky

“… hallucinatory pleasures … await the reader in Steven Hendricks’ debut novel. The classics on future acid, coupled with deep emotion.” Brian Whitener

“…a powerful meditation on the real and the imaginary, consciousness and family, interspecies friendship, and the imbrications of animal and human experience in landscapes torn apart by violence.” Miranda Mellis

Chapter One available at The Brooklyn Rail

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One must be drenched in words

-Hart Crane