MES Ambassador Position Description

Graduate Program on the Environment

Reports To: MES Assistant Director


Hours: Varies – approximately 5 hours per week; three positions available


Compensation: $300 per quarter for fall, winter and spring, partially paid through work-study funds. Meals/coffee included


Start Date: September 24, 2012



  • Must be a second-year MES student who is enrolled for at least 2 credits in fall, winter and spring.
  • Excellent communication skills – phone, email and in-person
  • Professional
  • Interested in meeting new people
  • Flexible


Job Duties:

  • Meet with prospective MES students for coffee or dinner (MES provides)
  • Call prospective students, applicants, or admits in the evenings to answer questions
  • Attend regular (likely monthly) training meetings with MES Assistant Director
  • Represent MES at fairs, events, or panels
  • Other promotional duties as assigned


How to apply:

  • Submit a resume to Gail Wootan, MES Assistant Director by September 13, 2012.  Please email or deliver to Lab 1, Room 3022.  Interviews will be held the week of September 17, 2012.