PO Box 43172  Olympia, Washington 98504-3172

Administrative Intern
Assist the Washington State Energy and Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) in evaluating
energy facility siting laws in states that use a siting process similar to Washington’s.

The intern works under the direction of the EFSEC Chair. Tasks include researching and
summarizing other state laws for siting energy facilities. The intern must be able to discern and
depict key similarities and differences in the various state energy facility siting laws. The intern
will be expected to discuss process timelines with agency representatives in other states and
compare this information to project timelines in Washington. Other specific tasks related to this
project may be assigned. This is a part time project position that is expected to last 3-6 months.

Desirable Qualifications:
 Strong written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills
 Ability to conduct public policy research and analysis
 Self-directed and mature judgment
 Interest in public policy
 Recent four-year college or university graduate, or have senior status by fall 2014
 Enrollment in Master of Public Administration or Master of Environmental Studies
Selection Process:
 Submit a resume, cover letter, and a writing sample
 Submit two letters of recommendation: at least one from a faculty member or
employer who can speak to your writing, research, and academic abilities
Salary Range:
 $12- $15 per hour
How to Apply:
Please submit the requisite materials by July 1, 2014 to Stephen Posner, EFSEC Manager, 1300
S. Evergreen Park Dr. SW, PO Box 43172, Olympia, WA. 98504-3172. Questions concerning
this position should be directed to Mr. Posner at (360) 664-1903