Puget Sound Recovery Projects Coordinator

Jan 13th, 2016 • Category: Employment, NWIFC Opportunities

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This position provides a unique opportunity to provide essential support to federally recognized tribes in the Puget Sound region to administer tribal environmental protection and restoration grants. Under the guidance of NWIFC Salmon Recovery Projects Coordinator, this position maintains responsibility in all facets of administering subaward programs that forward high tribal priorities for the protection and restoration of Puget Sound, as connected to the Puget Sound Action Agenda. Essential functions include assisting in the development of NWIFC workplans to garner Puget Sound Partnership/EPA funds, reviewing tribal workplans upon receipt of federal awards to determine whether they meet evaluation criteria and funding intent, ensuring subrecipient monitoring and reporting requirements are being achieved,  and sharing relevant program / project information (i.e. lessons learned) with appropriate audiences.