

We are finishing up our pre-order season for Thurston Conservation District’s Native Plant Sale and we are asking you folks – our amazing partners – to share our marketing materials far and wide! Please consider posting this flyer through your websites and social media outlets, as well as forwarding it on to your co-workers and constituents.


Also, please note that after our pre-order season we will have a Native Plant Festival on March 5th and will share a flyer for that event as well! I am also hoping to get that event into your February newsletters, so please let me know what your deadline for submission is, if applicable.


Don’t hesitate to send me your events as well, and we will work together to spread the good word!!


Finally, if you are interested in tabling at the Native Plant Festival, please give me a call and I will share more details about the crowd size, demonstrations, and freebies we will feature that day. We would love to have you!