This is a 4-month Non-permanent Biologist 1 position located in the Fish Program, Region 6, Fish Management, District 17.  The duty station is the Region 6 Office located at 48 Devonshire Road, Montesano, WA 98563.
The Biologist 1 assists the Region 6-District 17 Area Fish Biologist with data collection necessary for Research and Monitoring Evaluation associated with the Chehalis Basin Strategy. These data are also used in the management of the fish resources in the Grays Harbor basin.  The biologist provides the area biologist with fish biological data necessary to work with tribal, federal, public, and private organizations to facilitate cooperative and effective collection and exchange of fishery and escapement data. The biologist will work closely with the area biologist to assess and analyze the data collected and to prepare the final report.


Working closely with the area biologist to reconcile and analyze data, provide recommendations for management and for future work, and prepare final report.
Tasks include:
Work closely with the area biologist to evaluate data collected during surveys to ensure accurate and logical content. Work closely with the area biologist to summarize biological data and draft summaries using established data conversion and statistical procedures. Research relevant information through scientific literature review. Assist area biologist with interpreting field data and conditions to aid in report writing on the specific applications of the data. Assist area biologist with preparation of tables and graphs for the final report. Work closely with the area biologist to write the final report. All work will be reviewed in progress by area biologist.

Conducts salmon spawner surveys according to Region 6 –District’s 17 Procedures and Protocols.  The purpose is to calculate the natural spawning escapement of each salmonid stock by origin within Grays Harbor basin. Focus of the 2016 project is to identify the spatial distribution and abundance of chum salmon within the Chehalis watershed, specifically in the Wynoochee and Satsop rivers, which includes live/dead counts of chum, sampling of chum carcasses for biological data and  carcass tagging for the purpose of capture-recapture.

Tasks include:
Fieldwork requires identifying, recording, and monitoring of salmonid redds and live/dead fish counts within selected reaches. Data collection is recorded on field forms which may include GPS locations, and mapping.  Biological collection of dead fish includes sampling for adipose and dorsal fin mark status (determines hatchery or wild-origin), scales sampling (for age and origin), coded wire tags (stock composition and origin), opercle punch – T tags – Jaw tags, DNA tissue samples, or other biological samples as needed.
Maintaining accurate and timely field records for this position is very important to meet management needs.  Data summarization and data entry is crucial.  Will assist in training other field staff.  Provides valuable input to improve data collection.
Salmon surveys are conducted on foot and/or by utilizing rafts and pontoon boats, drift boats, or Jet-pumped equipped river sled boat.
Maintain contact requirements and continue positive relationships with all landowners to gain access to survey reaches.
Keeps supervisor informed on a daily basis about status of work projects and emerging issues which may include other WDFW programs such as Habitat, Wildlife, or Enforcement.

Supervise scientific technician 2 positions to ensure the study protocols are being achieved and proper technique and data collection is being executed.
Tasks include:
Planning, organizing, and prioritizing surveys each week for the team to complete taking into consideration weather, stream flow, and safety concerns. Assist the area biologist to ensure proper training of the scientific technician 2 positions. Assisting the area biologist to review completed surveys to ensure accurate, logical, and complete data was collected in a timely manner. As needed, problem solve in the field as conditions or protocols change. All work will be reviewed in progress by area biologist.

Operation and routine maintenance of assigned field gear, watercraft, and equipment.
Tasks include:
Daily task to make sure all equipment is maintained, stored away, accounted for, and meets safety requirements.

Other duties as assigned to meet the District’s Goals and Objectives.
Tasks include:
Depending upon District 17 other project needs, additional project work maybe assigned to assist at hatcheries, adult traps or weirs, commercial catch sampling and/or on-board observations, creel sampling, or other field or lab related projects.  These projects would be assigned according to weather/stream patterns impacting the spawning ground survey program and/or adjusted based upon other project priorities.