Oregon Natural Desert Association is hiring a Bend-based Stewardship Coordinator. The Stewardship Coordinator will be responsible for leading ONDA?s uplands restoration program and creating  opportunities for community partners, volunteers and supporters to engage in ONDA?s broader stewardship initiatives.

The ideal candidate will be energized by spending extensive time leading groups in the backcountry, (between 80-120 field days/nights annually, including weekends), able to balance office and field responsibilities, possess outstanding interpersonal skills, and have excellent problem solving and time management capabilities. The successful candidate will be someone who brings an inclusive, team-oriented spirit and a passion for Oregon’s desert to the role.

Apply by January 3, 2020 to be considered. See full details and application instructions on our website at https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.onda.org%2Fcareers&data=02%7C01%7Cmes%40evergreen.edu%7Cf2dea7632014482f7a3d08d779bdc3e0%7C22adcff7c06f49a68f2050711c40ddaa%7C0%7C1%7C637111728256171642&sdata=vHp%2FvfF4889lglZAu2%2F2OmhIzPgJkItCpwQXBZOLdZg%3D&reserved=0