March 6, 2020 – 5:30 PM
Centralia College, TransAlta Commons 122
600 Centralia College Blvd, Centralia

Author Scott Freeman will share his family’s journey to restore healthy salmon runs to Tarboo Creek.

He wrote a beautiful, poetic and hopeful book chronicling his family’s work to restore healthy salmon runs to Tarboo Creek. He is married to a granddaughter of Aldo Leopold (Susan) and he writes eloquently about keeping the Leopold land ethic alive in his family’s salmon restoration work. Scott also includes his thoughtful ponderings about how to replant with climate change in mind.

Salmon restoration info booths will be on hand, and copies of “Saving Tarboo Creek” for sale.

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Sponsored by the Chehalis Lead Entity, Centralia College and the Chehalis River Basin Land Trust