May 21, 2020 – 10:15 AM


Hazel Henderson and Chris Skroupa will discuss transitions to a sustainable society and economy, and how we will produce and distribute goods and services. Register for free webinar here.

Christopher P. Skroupa is the Founder and CEO of CEO of Skytop Strategies, a global media firm. He facilitates discussions among executive-level corporate leaders, institutional investors, stakeholders, reputable industry experts, and authoritative NGO/government agencies around corporate resilience strategy.

Chris was the Director of Marketing for Kaplan Fox LLP. Prior to that he was responsible for Information Management Network (IMN)’s portfolio of 50 conferences covering corporate governance, risk management, socially responsible investing and sustainability – in the U.S., Europe and Asia.

Futurist Hazel Henderson, founder of Ethical Markets, has been a transformative thinker, science policy advisor, global systems analyst, author of many books, and a sustainability activist for more than 50 years. Her colleagues and collaborators from around the world are among the most influential sustainability leaders of our time.

Join Hazel and the Security and Sustainability Forum‘s Ed Saltzberg in a new webinar series, Tracking and Steering the Global Green Transition. It features Hazel and other global leaders diving the transition to an economy that values, protects and harmonizes with Earth’s living biosphere and provides for the well-being of all of the human family.

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