We are pleased to announce a call for chapter proposals for an edited volume on the topic of sustainable cities.  The book is being organized by the faculty directors of the NEH-supported Campus-Community Urban Sustainability Program (CUSP) at Long Island University in Brooklyn, NY.


The book (The Sustainable City: Lessons from the Field)  will feature various perspectives related to three interrelated global crises – climate change, biodiversity loss, and social inequity – and their dynamics in urban spaces.  The book will be divided into three parts: 1) The City as an Ecosystem; 2) The Right to the City; and 3) The City as a Classroom.


Chapters are invited from across the disciplines on a wide range of topics addressing one or more of these global crises and related issues.  We welcome discipline-specific or interdisciplinary approaches to research-based, theoretical, or applied articles as well as those focused on curricular and pedagogical innovations.


If interested in submitting a proposal, please email me (Timothy.Leslie@liu.edu) and I can send you the complete call with more details on the framework of the book and sample topics.  Proposals (500 words or less) will be due Sept. 1, and if accepted, final chapters will be due in January 2021.