Mark your calendarsfor these upcoming webinarsin the Career Development Library (LIB 2151):

Nov 16th from 12 to 1pm:

Based on the research and books of

Laurence Shatkin

Pick a Career Path & Job You’ll LOVE!

50 best jobs for each personality type

Finding a new job or a new career has never been more challenging. And in an uncertain world, the tools to manage job and career change over the fifty year span of your career, are the most valuable skills you will every develop.

It may take years for you to decide whether your career choice has turned out to be a wise one. But your chances of satisfaction are better if you make the choice wisely. That means basing the choice—and the planning that follows—on good career information. This is important whether you’re a young person just starting out, a person contemplating a midlife career change, or an older person planning for work in retirement.

Laurence will provide you the tools to determine which jobs and career paths will match your personality.


Nov 30th from 12 to 1pm:


Based on the research and books of

David Perry

Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 2.0

How to stand out from the crowd with unique, attention getting techniques!

Job hunting has changed!

Today you have to be a marketer, branding expert, networker, and know how to use Social Media to integrate social media and social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and ZoomInfo in your job search.

Join us David and Kevin to learn 14 Case Studies from successful guerrilla job hunters detail what works in today’s hyper competitive job market.  You will also learn tips on proven strategies that work from America’s top recruiters.

You will learn what you need to do to stand out in a crowded market and you will take away a strategy you can implement immediately.

Put this Webinar on your calendar today!


Dec 7th from 12 to 1pm:

Based on the research and books of

Donna Serdula

Linkedin Makeover! 

Your Linkedin profile is as important as your resume. Invest time to develop it!

Your LinkedIn Summary isn’t the place to bore your reader to death!  This is where you want to DELIVER VALUE and SELL YOURSELF!  You wouldn’t go to a job interview or a prospective client meeting half dressed… so why is your LinkedIn profile not even half finished?

As a LinkedIn Profile Writer, my job is to make sure you look good. We work together to craft you an AMAZING and POWERFUL LinkedIn Profile.

My LinkedIn Makeover showcases your skills and markets you as someone who deserves to be noticed.

What prepared me to be a LinkedIn Profile Writer? I spent over 15 years in Corporate America and during my tenure I made numerous hiring decisions. I know what makes a LinkedIn profile stand out from the crowd. I can help you get the profile you deserve.

* A profile that will get you hired.

* A profile that will get you noticed.

* A profile that will show off your strengths and personality