Student Affairs is offering a Job Search Support for Students Workshop for our staff next Thursday, May 3, from 11am-noon in L2205 You are welcome to participate.

Job Search Support for Students Workshop for Student Affairs Staff

We know that over 1,000 Evergreen students will complete their degree this year and are in the process, or will begin the process, of searching for employment.  We also know a large percentage of returning students are searching for summer employment.  Although job prospects are more promising now than they were a year ago, these tasks are still not easy in this economy.


To help us, help students with this challenge, our colleagues in Career Development will provide an overview about job search support available to students and alumni at the May 3rd Student Affairs Seminar.  Participants in this program will …


  • know the career and job related services the Center offers.
  • be aware of good referral practices to use in your work with students.
  • gain a better sense of weekly and quarterly offerings provided by Career Development and their partners
  • be equipped with some resources that will increase your capacity to engage in career/job-related conversations with the students with whom you work.