Graduation Information!

Spring 2014 graduation day — on Friday, June 13th:

Visit our webpage at

  • The MPA Hooding Ceremony is from 10am to 12noonish (approx.) in the Longhouse. The Hooding Ceremony begins with welcome remarks, followed by short presentations by selected students, faculty and staff. Then, graduates are called forward one-by-one to be “hooded”: the master’s degree graduation hood is placed over their head by the MPA faculty member of their choice (or by family, friends, staff, etc as desired).
  • The campus Commencement ceremony is from 1 to 4:15pm (approx.) on Red Square. This is an all-campus celebration. Graduate students are seated together by their program, and after a series of speakers, they are called to receive their “diploma” (actually a diploma cover), followed by the undergraduates.

Want to:

  • participate/“walk” in the MPA Hooding Ceremony, campus Commencement Ceremony or both ceremonies? You need to complete 46 or more credits by the end of Spring quarter. If you have fewer than 60 credits, you can walk now (with your cohort) and complete the rest of your credits later. Or, you can wait to walk until you complete your 60 – it’s up to you.
  • have your degree awarded in Spring 2014? Apply using the Graduation Application by Monday, April 15th, and be on track to complete 60 credits and fulfill MPA graduation requirements:

Submitting your Graduation Application ensures that your name will be printed in the MPA Hooding and campus Commencement ceremony programs, and you start the process of confirming your credits and awarding your degree. On the form you must specify which quarter you expect to complete your 60 credits for the MPA degree.

How to?

Pay the $25 fee online at my.evergreen or at the Cashier’s Office.

Mail or fax forms to:

Registration and Records Office
Attn: Graduation
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505
Fax: 360-867-6680

Welcome New MPA Faculty Member Michael Lane

Michael Lane

“The framework of tribal self governance must be viewed in the context of the values of the specific People to be a true expression of an Indigenous Nation exercising self government. This fundamental distinction can be traced back to the legal history. The foundational laws regarding interactions with Indigenous Peoples were developed under theories of natural law. The contemporary state practice is conducted under positivist law, with a nod toward developing human rights standards. Only through continued advocacy for the legal recognition of inherent rights will the nation-states be challenged on their self management agenda”.

– Michael Lane

Evergreen’s MPA Program extends an excited WELCOME to new faculty member, AND 1988 Evergreen Alumnus, Michael Lane, Menominee Nation and his family; Sharon Heta, who is Maori from Aotearoa, New Zealand, their three daughters, and  their 18 month old  grandson.  Michael has been a “boots on the ground” advocate for Indigenous Peoples and self- governance for 36 years.  Michael is currently obtaining his PhD, in Indigenous Studies with Trent University.  He obtained his Masters in Indigenous Studies, with First Class Honors at Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi, New Zealand.  His thesis topic involved:  Indigenous Peoples Self Government, Tribal Sovereignty, Early Treaty Making, Aboriginal Title/Discovery Doctrine, Legal History of Self Government (Canada, New Zealand, and United States).  Michael also graduated from Arizona State University College of Law, in 1994 with a specialty in Federal Indian Law, Juris Doctor.

Michael has worked as a legal researcher, advocate and policy advisor, for over 20 years, with Springs From Earth Advocacy where he focused on representing various tribal interests in the United States, Canada and New Zealand (including resource development, prevention issues, environmental protection, environmental indicators, resource consents, representation and jurisdictional issues); engaged on issues of self- government (structures, strategic plans, etc.).   Michael has found himself immersed in research and writing on American Indian Legal History, drafting Policies and Procedures Manuals and Trust Deeds, developing a number of Charitable Trusts and even representing a sacred site protection case in the Environment Court and High Court of New Zealand.  Michael also participates as a speaker, presenter, etc. at various forums, conferences, workshops and radio shows.

Michael is no stranger to working on a campus either.  From his early work with the Evergreen Indian Center in the late eighties and his Graduate Assistantship with the American Indian Institute of Arizona State University as an American Indian student retention program coordinator, Michael has found himself involved with the student population.  More recently, Michael has presented as a lecturer at the Aboriginal Law and Advocacy Program of Confederation College.

Michael’s “boots” have also hit the ground in the literal sense as a regular walker in the five month, across North America, The Longest Walk, from Alcatraz to Washington D.C., affirming Indian Sovereignty.  In 1978; as well as The Longest Walk 2: Northern Route, with his family, and The Longest Walk 4: Return to Alcatraz for Indigenous Sovereignty from Washington D. C. to Alcatraz, also with his family.

At Evergreen, we ask our MPA population to use their heads, hearts and minds to put into practice the changes they would like to see in the world.  Michael has proven to be a living, breathing vessel for positive change.  With actions and conviction, Michael is working to improve the lives of his community.  We are thrilled to learn from him and again we extend a warm welcome to Michael and his family as they settle into the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

Evergreen MPA Student is a TEDX Speaker

TEDxTacoma 2014: Theatre on the Square: Friday, February 28, 3:00-9:00 pm

TEDxTacoma speaker Korbett Mosesly of the Northwest Leadership Foundation has years of experience in youth advocacy work and is highly engaged in many grassroots efforts related to poverty, education, and the juvenile justice system.  He’ll speak on the topic of diversity and inclusion in community development.

 Tickets to TEDxTacoma are available here:

Korbett Mosesly is Director of Communication and Strategic Development at the Northwest Leadership Foundation in Tacoma, WA. He has over eight years of professional communication and outreach experience, and is an expert consultant specializing in website development, social media integration, and cloud-based project management. Korbett received his Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from Evergreen State College with an emphasis on public policy and is currently working on his Masters in Public Administration. 

He is a long-time member of the Pierce County Black Collective, Tacoma Urban League, and a Senior Fellow for the American Leadership Forum. Korbett is a Palmers Scholar and recipient of the 2012 Allen AME Unity Day Award.

He has served on the City of Tacoma’s Human Service Commission and Gang Assessment Community Taskforce; as well as a number of community efforts related to disproportionate minority contact. Korbett had the opportunity to spend two years working to help develop a collaborative resource center for young adults ages 16-24 aimed at connecting young adults with the resources needed to reach their educational and career goals.

Mr. Mosesly continues to be involved in youth advocacy work and is highly engaged in many grassroots efforts related to poverty, education, and the juvenile justice system. He believes that the best way to learn something new is to intentionally seek out people with very diverse perspectives and ask questions. Korbett is passionate about community involvement and bringing together diverse perspectives to find new approaches to solving old problems.

About TEDx

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.  TEDx has been 4 times hosted in Tacoma and it is called TEDxTacoma,  where x=independently organized TED event:

TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Started as a four-day conference in California 26 years ago, TED has grown to support those world-changing ideas with multiple initiatives. At TED, the world’s leading thinkers and doers are asked to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Talks are then made available, free, at TED speakers have included Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sir Richard Branson, Benoit Mandelbrot, Philippe Starck, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Isabel Allende and former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Two major TED events are held each year: The TED Conference takes place every spring in Long Beach, California (along with a parallel conference, TEDActive, in Palm Springs), and TEDGlobal is held each summer in Edinburgh, Scotland.



Register soon for the 24th of February workshop!

OLYMPIA…The Secretary of State’s Corporations and Charities Division is again sponsoring a “Nonprofit Board Service 101” workshop in Tumwater on Monday, Feb. 24.

“This is a repeat of the workshop held in Tumwater on December 6,” said Teresa Glidden, education coordinator for the Corporations and Charities Division. “The demand was so high that we had a waiting list with over 60 people on it.”

The event will be held at the Labor & Industries Building (7273 Linderson Way SW) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with lunch provided.

“Our nonprofit board service workshops are popular across the state,” Glidden said. “We’ve seen an overwhelmingly positive response for these events. They fill up fast, so I encourage people to not delay in registering for it.”

The workshop’s main presenter is Liz Heath of Sound Nonprofits in Tacoma. Heath has more than 35 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, and is a consultant, speaker and trainer, with special emphasis on nonprofit board governance. Heath’s presentation will be on nonprofit board service from a practical standpoint, including the life cycle of boards, planning, budgeting, policy-setting, oversight and more.

“This workshop presents board governance more from a practical viewpoint, with real-life scenarios and examples. Liz Heath is a highly qualified presenter who has served not only as a consultant to many nonprofit boards, but also as an executive director,” Glidden said.

Glidden will make a presentation on registration and renewal requirements for charities and nonprofits in Washington.

“We want to be sure that every person who serves on a nonprofit board, regardless of the size of the organization, has access to quality training so they can be successful in delivering the mission of their nonprofit,” Glidden added. “We also want board members and prospective board members to be aware of their fiduciary duties to the organizations they are serving.”

There is a $10 per-person lunch charge to help defray the costs of the facility and catering. Registrants can pay online when they register by credit or debit card. Registration is limited and available online at

For more information about the event, contact Glidden at (360) 725-0373 or

Career/ Internship Fair

The 2014 Career & Internship Fair, which is co-sponsored by The Evergreen State College Career Development Center and Saint Martin’s University Career Services Office is scheduled for Tuesday, April 8, from 11 AM – 3 PM, and will be held again in the Marcus Pavilion on the Saint Martin’s campus.

Join Senator McCoy in Learning About Basic Indian Law

Senators, Representatives, LA’s and Caucus staff, please join me for a presentation on Indian Law 101.
February 19 @12:00, Senate Hearing Room 1
Bring your lunch and learn about the basics about Indian Law.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
John McCoy
(Senator McCoy has extended this invitation to MPA students and alumni)

Could You Benefit from a Diversity Fund grant?

Staff – Students – Faculty
The February deadline for Diversity Fund grant applications is Monday, February 3rd.
Apply online.
8 Application Deadlines – One each month of the academic year, October thru May.   
For complete details and to apply, visit the Diversity Fund FAQ Page.
The President’s Diversity Fund awards grants to support projects to improve the multicultural capabilities 
of the College or the learning community!
Are you working on a cultural diversity/equity related project that need funds to get started or completed?
Is there an institutional cultural diversity or equity project you need funding to execute;
a community organizer, philosopher, artist, scientist, educator, performer   
you’d like to bring to Evergreen 
to contribute to our learning about diversity and equity ?