Join Senator McCoy in Learning About Basic Indian Law

Senators, Representatives, LA’s and Caucus staff, please join me for a presentation on Indian Law 101.
February 19 @12:00, Senate Hearing Room 1
Bring your lunch and learn about the basics about Indian Law.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
John McCoy
(Senator McCoy has extended this invitation to MPA students and alumni)

Could You Benefit from a Diversity Fund grant?

Staff – Students – Faculty
The February deadline for Diversity Fund grant applications is Monday, February 3rd.
Apply online.
8 Application Deadlines – One each month of the academic year, October thru May.   
For complete details and to apply, visit the Diversity Fund FAQ Page.
The President’s Diversity Fund awards grants to support projects to improve the multicultural capabilities 
of the College or the learning community!
Are you working on a cultural diversity/equity related project that need funds to get started or completed?
Is there an institutional cultural diversity or equity project you need funding to execute;
a community organizer, philosopher, artist, scientist, educator, performer   
you’d like to bring to Evergreen 
to contribute to our learning about diversity and equity ?

Peace Corps Info

Become a Global Citizen
Change someone else’s world while changing your own:
Learn more about the Peace Corps
at this information session
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
4:00 – 5:30
E2109 SEM II Bldg • Evergreen campus

MPA Financial Aid

Do you plan to be an MPA student here next year, in 2014-15? Are you interested in financial aid? If so, check out the MPA Financial Aid page at:

Quick info:

  • Applying for financial aid is a two-step process:

1)      Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to qualify for federal student loans and MPA aid with a need component: — *recommended* completion by February 15th to allow for potential federal processing delays and to maximize the chances of having a fully processed, complete FAFSA delivered by the federal processor to the Evergreen Financial Aid Office by the Evergreen priority deadline of March 1st:

2)      Review MPA sponsored financial assistance opportunities (scholarships, tuition waivers, etc.) and complete the 2014-15 MPA Financial Aid Awards Application Form by April 7th:


ASPA Student Representative Needed

Attention Current MPA Students: Are you interested in building your resume, increasing your professional network, and gaining leadership experience? Then please apply to serve as a student representative on the Board of Directors of our regional ASPA chapter. To learn more about ASPA (American Society for Public Administration) and our Evergreen Chapter, please go to our website at:

If you are interested in serving as a student representative, please e-mail me your current resume and a one page statement about why you want to serve on the Board of Directors.

Due: January 28th by 5:00pm

This is a volunteer, unpaid, position. One student representative will be selected from each of the MPA programs in Western WA.

Amy Gould, Ph.D. mail stop: Sem II A 2117: office: Sem II D2106: phone: 360-867-6135

Fellowship Funding Available

MPA Evergreen Sustainability Fellowship/Capstone
Evergreen graduate students who are interested in environmental sustainability issues and want to accomplish a sustainability-related project or research are invited to apply for an Evergreen Sustainability Fellowship. In 2014, multiple awards worth up to $4000 are available to fund projects during the Spring and/or Summer quarter of 2014. This award is given as a one-time grant that is disbursed through financial aid and is to be used toward tuition and expenses incurred for working on the project.
Project eligibility varies by program, as follows:
MPA students: Capstone projects. A research-oriented project must include a service or work component.
Application Due:  Monday, February 24, 2014. Decisions will be made by early March.

The new Center for Sustainable Infrastructure is Housed with Evergreen’s MPA Program


Ryse Roth an Evergreen Alum and co-founder of Climate Solutions, has partnered with the college to act as Director of the Center for Sustainable Infrastructure.

This center will act as a research facility as well as a clearinghouse of ideas for best practices in developing better and more efficient infrastructure.  Tribes, agencies, utilities and MPA graduate student researchers will all have the chance to be a part of this ground breaking movement towards innovative and sustainable development.

The center was awarded a $20,000 grant from the Pacific Northwest-based Bullitt Foundation, which supports sustainable development in the region, to help with the initial launch of the center.