My Nerdy Evergreen Apartment Life

Where Nerdy Interests, Cats and Curiosity Collide

Category: Adventures of an Emotional Support Cat

The work my Emotional Support Animal Nala does to help me succeed as a student, but written from her point-of-view

My Human thinks he can Dance…

So my human walks into, I guess our room, and from what I know of him, he doesn’t dance.

I think he still can’t, hence the look I gave him. He laughed and kept “dancing”. I think there is some sort of misunderstanding.

All this snow must have done something I think.

Humans and taking care of one

(Written from my Emotional Support Animal or ESA’s, point of view)

Hello to all you humans, if you do not know already, the name I was given by my human is Nala.

I’m fine with the name, after all, it is the same name of the lioness in “The Lion King”.


Nala, my emotional support animal, in all her splendid glory.

Anyways, I will tell you a bit about my job taking care of my human as an ESA.

First, my human raised me since I was about eight weeks old in 2010 (and was undoubtedly drawn to my gorgeous looks), but also so I could learn my human’s cues early on.

This way I am much more in tune with my human’s habits and when they are getting stressed, anxious and even having a really bad nightmare so I can wake them up.

I even know when they’re supposed to be in bed to get a full night’s sleep, which my silly human keeps forgetting, so I have to go and remind them it’s time for bed.

My human taking a photo of me, understandably, while I help them relax so they can fall asleep.

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