House Releases Operating Budget

This afternoon the House released their proposed 2010 supplemental operating budget.

Highlights of the proposed operating budget are below. A more detailed account of the impact of the House’s proposed 2010 supplemental budget on Evergreen will be in a blog later today.

Highlights Higher Education Budget

  • Reduces state funding for colleges and universities by $40.8 million.
  • Maintains eligibility, grant awards, and the number of students anticipated to be served by the program.
  • Reduces funding for the State Work Study by $7.7 million. To achieve this savings the money a student can earn in an academic year is reduced.
  • Reduces funding for State-funded GEAR UP projects.
  • Reduces funding for the Health Professions scholarship and loan repayment program.
  • Suspends funding for the Future Teachers Scholarship program. Continues commitment to students currently recipients of this grant.
  • Reduces funding for the Community Scholarship Matching Grant Program.
  • Reduces funding for the Leadership 1000 Scholarship Programs.

Details on the House’s proposed 2010 supplemental operating budget is located on the House Ways & Means Committee website. The House did not release a revenue package today.

Policy Committee Deadline Looms for House, Senate to Follow

Today, House and Senate policy committees continued to work bills from the opposite chamber through the legislative process.

The House has less than 24 hours to consider policy bills from the Senate before the deadline for policy bills is reality. The House must move Senate initiated policy bills by 5:00 p.m. on February 23. 

The Senate has a few more days to get bills through the process. The Senate must move House policy bills to an appropriations committee or to the floor by 5:00 p.m. February 26.

Several bills of interest to Evergreen were heard by policy committees today and one bill was moved to the floor by the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

This morning the  Senate Early Learning & K12 Education Committee held a public hearing  on Senate Bill 3068. SB 3068 expands eligibility to additional students if funds are available for the conditional scholarship after currently qualified students have been accepted. Evergreen has supported the passage of SB 3068 since it was introduced earlier this session.

At the same time, the Senate Natural Resources, Ocean, and Recreation committee held a public hearing on House Bill 2481. HB 2481 provides the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) with the necessary tools and resources to be a viable partner in the emerging biomass industry in Washington. The bill authorizes DNR to maintain a list of all potential sources of forest biomass on state lands for the purposes of making biomass available ot others; allows DNR to enter into biomass contracts for up to 5 years; and authorizes DNR to lease lands for the purpose of biomass.

Evergreen has testified in support of House Bill 2481 as a vehicle by which to stabilize DNR’s viability as a potential partner with the College in our Biomass Gasification Project effort.

In the afternoon, the Senate Ways & Means Committee took action on Senate Bill 6409. SB 6409, which Evergreen supports, creates the Washington Investment in Excellence Account.  The Account is funded through state lottery proceeds and directs those funds to a range of research and financial aid programs. In particular the programs eligible to receive funds from the Account include efforts to recruit entrepreneurial researchers, innovation partnership zones, and research teams and higher education financial aid programs including opportunity grants, educational opportunity grants, state work study, GET ready for math and science scholarships, passport to college promise, college bound scholarships, and the Washington promise scholarship.

The Senate Ways & Means Committee amended the bill in executive session. The amendment to the bill makes the following changes:

  • Changes the Account name to Opportunity Pathways Account
  • Extends eligibilty to the following programs: Washington Scholars, Washington Award for Vocational Excellence, the State Need Grant, Early Childhood Education & Assistance Program
  • Transfer $102 million per year from the General Fund to the Education Construction Account to replace lost lottery dollars
  • Requires the Lottery Commission to report to the Legislative higher education and economic development committees on marketing strategies and revenue targets for the new account
  • Provides for a JLARC performance review of lottery marketing.

Policy Committees Continue Work

Today, House and Senate policy committees continued to work bills from the opposite chamber through the legislative process.

The Legislature will experience a small break from the usual weekend work that has dominated their Saturdays and Sundays for the last couple of weeks. Most legislators are planning to travel to their districts and connect with their constituents.

Then Monday it will be back to the hard work of moving bills as policy committees in the House prepare for the deadline to consider policy bills from the Senate on February 23 and the Senate does the same by February 26.

Several bills of interest to Evergreen were heard by committees in both chambers. None of the bills listed below were moved out of committee today.

Washington House

This morning the  House Higher Education Committee held a public hearing  on Senate Bill 6467. SB 6467 allows institutions of higher educationo to award honorary degrees to individuals who were students at those institutions in 1942 but did not graduate because they were ordered into an internment camp.

In the afternoon, the House State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee held a public hearing on Senate Bill 6401. SB 6401 establishes an alternative selection process for selecting mechanical or electrical subcontractors for general contractor/construction manager projects. Evergreen has supported the development of an alternative process throughout the session.

Washington Senate

On the other side, the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee took up House Bill 2930 in the afternoon. HB 2930 directs the Higher Education Coordinating Board to give priority to selecting Future Teachers Scholarship recipients to those individuals who are seeking specialty endorsements in math as well as individuals who are uniquely qualified to help schools address the achievement gap. Evergreen has supported the legislation since its introduction and continues to encourage policymakers, through testimony, to keep in mind students seeking endorsements in English Language Learners and special education.  

Policy Committees Return to Work

House and Senate policy committees returned to their committee work with a vengeance today. 

Several bills of interest to Evergreen were heard by legislative committees. None of the bills listed below were moved out of committee today.

Washington House

The House Education Committee held public hearings on several bills related to improving basic education in Washington. In particular, the Committee held a public hearing on Senate Bill 6696. Senate Bill 6696 comprises several policy changes to K-12 to make Washington more competitive for Race to the Top dollars, including policies and structural changes in the areas of school and teacher evaluation, assessment, and preparation.

The House Higher Education Committee held public hearings on two bills of interest to Evergreen. Senate Bill 6355, a.ka. the system design bill,  implements the recommendations put forth by the Higher Education Coordinating Board’s (HECB) System Design Plan work during the interim.  The bill identifies a process for expanding the higher education system upon proven demand and for reaching the goals in the HECB’s Master Plan.

The Committee also heard Senate Bill 6357. SB 6357 requires The College Board in consultation with the four-year sector, workforce training and education board, private career schools, business, and labor to develop policies for awarding academic credit for learning from work and military experience, military and law enforcement training, career college training, internships and externships, and apprenticeships.

In the afternoon the House Ways & Means Committee held a public hearing on House Bill 3178. HB 3178 makes several policy changes that impact the Department of Information Services as well as state agency IT services and programs. In particular, the bill:

  • Grants the Department of Information Services (DIS) authority over personal computer (PC) purchase and replacement, including development of a PC replacement policy for the state.
  • Requires state agencies purchasing cellular or mobile phone service to purchase it through the state Master Contract, unless a waiver is granted by the Office of Financial Management.
  • Requires state agencies and the Information Services Board to develop policies regarding data storage and retention.
  • Restricts information technology (IT) spending by state agencies for the 2009-11 biennium.

The Council of Presidents is working with the sponsor of the bill, Rep. Carlyle, and leadership in the House to exempt higher education from the bill.

Later in the day, the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee held a public hearing on three bills Evergreen has tracked. House Bill 2858, intitiated by the four-year, public institutions, provides institutions of higher education the authority to participate in group purchasing agreements.House Bill 2973  includes, in the definition of “resident student,” a student who resides in Washington and is on active military duty stationed in one of nine Oregon border counties. In addition, the bill adds a student who resides in Washington and is the spouse or dependent of a person who resides in Washington and is on active military duty stationed in an Oregon border county to the definition of “resident student.”

Finally, House Bill 2638 provides a specialized-format version of instructional material may not require that the student return the specialized-format version.

Senate Passes Tuition Policy Bill

Only an hour before midnight, the Senate passed Senate Bill 6562 – a.k.a. the tuition policy bill – with a vote of 29-19.

The debate on the floor with regard to SB 6562 did not cut along Democratic and Republican lines but along much more subtle differences in principles and policies with regard to the future of higher education in Washington.

Senator Kilmer, sponsor of the bill, shared the thoughts of many of the Senators who supported the bill with regard to quality and affordability.  Kilmer stated that the bill provides greater predictability for institutions and students by setting tuition limits in the future, accountability for the state and Washingtonians through the requirement of institutional performance agreements, and affordability by off-setting the tuition increases permitted through additional commitments to financial aid for low- and middle-income students.

Senator Schoesler spoke in opposition of the bill arguing that the accountability provided in the bill is not enough to ensure affordability, predictability, and accountability within higher education. Schoesler, who summed up many of the same concerns others who opposed the bill shared, argued that the best policy and the best financial aid program is low-tuition which allows for a wider door to be open to a post-secondary education for Washingtonians.

Senators spoke to the bill citing concerns with regard to the potential impact on student mix and the missions’ of Washington’s institutions of higher learning. Others expressed frustration that the emergence of this bill comes because the state has not kept its commitment to higher education through strong funding. Finally, Senators across both aisles gave props to the efforts of students this afternoon and this session to be heard with regard to tuition policy.

Two amendments were proposed on the floor. The first amendment, which passed, was a technical amendment that clarified the inclusion of graduate students as only “resident” graduate students.

The second amendment sponsored by Sen. Pflug, which failed, would have made tuition setting authority and waivers contingent upon full funding of the state work study program.

Senate Bill 6562 now goes to the House for further consideration.

Senate Ways and Means Marathon – Tuition Policy and Teacher Preparation

This afternoon the Senate Ways & Means Committee held public hearings on twenty-seven different bills with plans to move out of committee nearly nineteen bills.

The stars of this afternoon’s hearing were two education related bills. 

Senate Bill 6562 a.k.a. the tuition policy bill. SB 6562 authorizes the University of Washington, Washington State University, and the Western Washington University governing boards to set tuition rates. The average annual compounded rate of change of undergraduate tuition fees may not exceed 9 percent based on the previous 15 years, or 14 percent in any one year.

The Committee on Higher Education Performance is created and authorized to approve performance agreements. The performance agreement must be six years in duration. Annual adequate performance as determined by the committee is required to maintain tuition setting authority. The committee is composed of the chairs and ranking members of the Senate Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee, Senate Ways and Means Committee, House Higher Education Committee, and House Education Appropriations.

The UW, WSU, and WWU must waive full-time tuition fees for resident undergraduate students based on family and state median family incomes. Waivers of full time tuition fees for resident undergraduate students are provided on a graduated scale in 4.5 percent increments based on state median family income and the institution’s tuition fee rate. The waivers must be reduced by the amount of any state need grant, federal, state, and institutional scholarships, grants, and waivers. Such waivers are exempt from tuition waiver limitations.

Tuition fee setting authority remains the same as current law for Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, the Evergreen State College, and the community and technical colleges.

The State Actuary presented to the committee the potential impact on the Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) Program.  The State Actuary, given the assumptions in the bill, concluded there is virtually no risk of the GET Program running out of assets over the next 50 years if the program remains open and all other current policies and provisions remain unchanged. The one cautionary note shared by the State Actuary was that the impact may differ if purchaser behavior changes.

President Emmert (UW), President Floyd (WSU), and Trustee Phil Sharpe (WWU) testified in support of the bill. Each one stated that the bill provided the balance needed between a quality education and an accessible education for Washingtonians. 

Members of the Senate Ways & Means Committee asked several questions, including the current percentage of state funds that make up the budget of those institutions in the bill and how under these policy changes policymakers can be assured that  student-debt load would not rise and economic and ethnic diversity would not decline. In addition members asked whether or not the tuition setting authority in the bill allows the state to back away from future state support.  Additional questions posed included the impact on retention and the middle-income student population.

Charlie Earl, Executive Director, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges and the League of Education Voters also testified in support of the bill.  The Washington Student Association and students from WSU, UW, and WWU testified in opposition to the bill. Students raised concerns regarding the increases in tuition identified in the bill and the fiscal pressure that will be placed on funding for state financial aid.

Senate Bill 6696 comprises several policy changes to K-12 to make Washington more competitive for Race to the Top dollars. The House proposed similar legislation, but disaggregated the policy changes among three bills – HB 3059, 3068, 3035.

Senate Bill 6696 seeks policy and structural changes in the areas of school and teacher evaluation, assessment, and preparation.  Of importance to Evergreen are the policy changes to teacher preparation programs. In particular the bill would require Evergreen’s teacher preparation programs to offer an alternate route program, which may negatively impact the College.  If grants and Race to the Top dollars are not received, Evergreen would be left to shoulder the costs of developing and implementing this program with no additional funds. Evergreen proposed a change to the language that would make offering alternate route programs permissive. The change in language was not included in the final bill approved by the committee and passed to the floor.

Evergreen also kept an eye on several other bills.

  • SSB 6702 makes available educational programs for juveniles confined in adult jails. Each school district, within which there exists an adult jail, must provide a program of education for juveniles confined therein. Districts may contract with educational service districts, community and technical colleges, four-year institutions or other qualified entities to provide all or part of these services.
  • SSB 6761 implements the recommendations put forward by the Quality Education Council during the interim.
  • SSB 6362 requires the Legislature to identify ten government priorities to verify that state agencies and activities are performing at their highest efficiency. The ten priorities include improving: student achievement in K-12; quality and respect for the public workforce; value of state college or university education; health of state citizens; security of the state’s vulnerable children and adults; the economic vitality of businesses and individuals; statewide mobility of people, goods, information, and energy; safety of people and property; quality of the state’s natural resources; and cultural and recreational opportunities throughout the state. The State Auditor is required to select the highest priorities to audit and the lowest priorities to assess. In addition, the State Auditor is required to present its work plan at an open public meeting for evaluation and recommendations prior to commencing audits.
  • SB 6374 requires the Office of Financial Management (OFM) to include economic modeling or other procedures that take into account increased economic activity which may result from economic development contemplated in legislation  in fiscal note instructions.
  • SSB 5543 requires producers of mercury-containing lights (lamps, bulbs, tubes, or other devices containing mercury and providing illumination) sold in or into Washington to participate in product stewardship programs that are fully implemented by 2013.
  • SB 6843  temporarily suspends the two-thirds vote requirement for tax increases and permanently modifying provisions of Initiative Measure No. 960 for improved efficiency and consistency with state budgeting.
  • SB 6833 allows the Office of the State Treasurer to enter agreements with state agencies for investment by the Treasurer of funds not currently deposited with the Treasurer.  At this time higher education is exempt from the bill. Evergreen supports the bill in its current form.
  •  SB 6845 requires the collection and use of additional information regarding information technology projects, including  the requirement that OFM obtain specific information about IT projects, including current and future costs by category, estimated operating savings and other benefits, and estimated start and end dates.

Senate Policy Committees Continue to Take Action on Bills

Today Senate Policy Committees were busy moving bills forward before the cut-off deadline on Friday.

Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development

The Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee passed a tuition policy bill for the University of Washington, Washington State University, and Western Washington Univerrsity.

Substitute Senate Bill 6562 allows the board’s of UW, WSU, and WWU to set tuition rates within limits. Tuition (the average annual compounded rate of change of undergraduate tuition fees)at these institutions is not allowed to exceed 9% based on the previous 15 years or 14% in any one year. In addition, the Committee on Higher Education Performance is created and authorized to approve performance agreements for UW, WSU, and WWU. Finally, these institutions must waive full-time tuition/fees for resident undergraduate students based on family and state median family income levels. The waivers are based on a graduated scale based on state median family income and institutional tuition fee rates.

For Evergreen as well as Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, and the community and technical colleges tuition fee setting authority remains the same as current law.

The substitute bill was further amended in committee. The amendments establish a sunset for tuition setting authority for the three institutions in the bill at the end of the 2017-18 academic year; change the title from Relating to higher education finance to Relating to higher education accountability and access; and modifies the Committee on Higher Education Performance to include members from the minority party.

Substitute Senate Bill 6562 passed unanimously out of committee. The bill is now headed to Senate Ways & Means for their consideration.

Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education

The Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education committee took action on an omnibus teacher preparation and K-12 bill. Substitute Senate Bill 6696 includes the following changes related to teacher preparation.

Section 402: Clarifies that community colleges and non-higher education providers can be considered for new providers of the alternative routes. Moves the option for residency teacher preparation programs to provide a summary of procedures providing flexible completion opportunities to section 403 and makes it part of what alternative route providers must include in their application.

Section 403: Removes “higher education” since such institutions will not be the only providers of alternative routes.

Section 409: Clarifies that the service regions for institutions of higher education is for those institutios of higher education as defined in RCW 28B.10.016 (all the 4-year universities and college & the community and technical colleges).

In addition, Substitute Senate Bill 6696 was amended as follows related to teacher preparation: (1) Amends the four-level evaluation system for teachers to use student growth data if available and relevant to the teacher and subject matter. Requires the school districts participating in the pilot of the teacher and principal evaluations to submit all student data to OSP; (2) Amends section 202 by adding a parent representative to the group that will create models for implementing the new teacher and principal evaluation system, student growth tools, professional development programs, and evaluator training for classroom teachers and principals. The parent representative must have certain specified qualities and will be chosen by the PTA using a lottery system; (3) Moves the phrase addressing professional development so that it applies to both closing the achievement gap and STEM; and (4) Amends the evaluation criteria for classroom teachers in section 202 to include collaborating, not just communicating with parents and school community.

State of the Union – Education Focus

On Wednesday evening, President Obama gave the first State of the Union address of his presidency. The address focused on issues ranging from health care to green jobs to education.

Below are some of the excerpts from President Obama’s speech in which education was the focus:

…we need to invest in the skills and education of our people.

Now, this year, we’ve broken through the stalemate between left and right by launching a national competition to improve our schools. And the idea here is simple: Instead of rewarding failure, we only reward success. Instead of funding the status quo, we only invest in reform — reform that raises student achievement; inspires students to excel in math and science; and turns around failing schools that steal the future of too many young Americans, from rural communities to the inner city. In the 21st century, the best anti-poverty program around is a world-class education. And in this country, the success of our children cannot depend more on where they live than on their potential.

When we renew the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, we will work with Congress to expand these reforms to all 50 states. Still, in this economy, a high school diploma no longer guarantees a good job. That’s why I urge the Senate to follow the House and pass a bill that will revitalize our community colleges, which are a career pathway to the children of so many working families.

To make college more affordable, this bill will finally end the unwarranted taxpayer subsidies that go to banks for student loans. Instead, let’s take that money and give families a $10,000 tax credit for four years of college and increase Pell Grants. And let’s tell another one million students that when they graduate, they will be required to pay only 10 percent of their income on student loans, and all of their debt will be forgiven after 20 years –- and forgiven after 10 years if they choose a career in public service, because in the United States of America, no one should go broke because they chose to go to college.

And by the way, it’s time for colleges and universities to get serious about cutting their own costs -– because they, too, have a responsibility to help solve this problem.

Now, the price of college tuition is just one of the burdens facing the middle class. That’s why last year I asked Vice President Biden to chair a task force on middle-class families.

Senate Higher Education Hears Financial Aid and Surcharge Legislation and Moves Other Bills

The Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee heard two higher education related bills this afternoon and moved a handful of other bills while confirming several gubernatorial appointments.

Senate Bill 6409 would create the Washington Investment in Excellence Account. The account created in SB 6409 would be supported by lottery proceeds. The proceeds would be directed to recruit entrepreneurial researchers, innovation partnership zones, and research teams and financially support opportunity grants, educational opportunity grants, GET ready for math and science scholarships, passport to college promise, college bound scholarships, and the Washington promise scholarship.

Evergreen testified in support of SB 6409, encouraging lawmakers to ensure that the investment in financial aid identified in the bill is additive to the state’s current investment.

In addition substitute bill to Senate Bill 6358 was heard by the Committee. The substitute to Senate Bill 6358 requires four-year and two-year institutions to develop policies that ensure that students complete their programs in a timely manner in order to make the most efficient use of instructional resources and provide capacity within the institution for additional students. Sen. Kilmer, Chair and sponsor of the bill, struck prior language that would have placed a surcharge on students who do not complete their degrees in a timely manner in the substitute bill heard by the Committee.

The Committee also moved two higher education related bills out of committee and to the Rules Committee for consideration.

Substitute Senate Bill 6355, which implements the Higher Education Coordinating Board’s System Design recommendations, rewrites the intent of the original bill, does not subject the development of applied baccalaureates to appropriations, does not subject the expansion of applied baccalaureates to the major expansion process, changes the definition of “mission change” and “major expansion”, both major expansion and mission change are subject to the Higher Education Coordinating Board’s assessment and viability evaluation process, and makes eligible private, non-profit institutions for innovation incentive grants.

Substitute Senate Bill 6357 relating to the academic recognition of prior learning clarifies the policies on prior learning based upon prior experiences and adds the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board to the list of institutions to be consulted.

Finally, the Committee approved several gubernatorial appointments including three to The Evergreen State College Board of Trustees – Irene Gonzales, Dixon McReynolds, and the reappointment of Kristin Hayden.

Bills Galore in Higher Education Committees

Evergreen ran the gauntlet this morning in an attempt to be in multiple places at once. On Tuesdays, the House and Senate higher education committees meet at the same time. As a result, Tuesdays are always a high exercise day as higher education folks strategically move from one committee to the other and back again.

Amid this structured chaos, Evergreen was able to weigh in on multiple bills heard in both committees that impact higher education in various ways.

In the House Higher Education Committee, The Evergreen State College spoke to the College’s support for HB 2858 and HB 2854. House Bill 2858, a.k.a. the purchasing bill, would allow four-year, public institutions to participate in group purchasing. The use of group purchasing would provide Evergreen with additional cost savings.

House Bill 2854 moves forward policy implemented during the 2009 legislative session. HB 2854 would build on the establishment of the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) by creating the HELP account, establish criteria for student participation and establish annual limits on loans to be granted under this program. The Evergreen State College testified in support, along with students, the HECB, and career colleges. Taking the lead from the sponsor of the bill, Rep. Kenney, Evergreen’s testimony: (1) emphasized the importance of first funding grants and work study opportunities for students before considering loans and (2) recognized the important of low-interest, public loan options for students pursuing a college education.

In addition, Evergreen expressed concerns regarding House Bill 2655 and House Bill 2822. House Bill 2655 implements the Higher Education Coordinating Board’s System Design Study completed in 2009. Evergreen is concerned that the bill, as drafted, does not reflect the recommendations of the HECB’s study. Evergreen is working, through the Council of Presidents, with the HECB to ensure that the final draft does reflect the hard work of the System Design Work Group. Evergreen also expressed similar concerns regarding Senate Bill 6355 the companion bill to HB 2655.

Finally, House Bill 2822 would require higher education institutions to include proposed tuition and fee rates for the next two-year period as a component of the institution’s proposed operating budget outlines submitted to the HECB. The Evergreen State College, along with the University of Washington, and community colleges acknowledged the work of the HECB on tuition policy over the past year, but expressed concerns regarding the limits that HB 2822 would place on an institution’s ability to consider tuition as the last dollar in once the state established appropriation and financial aid funding levels.

On the Senate side, Evergreen supported Senate Bill 6357 which would create consistency with regard to academic recognition of prior experience.

Finally, Evergreen expressed opposition to Senate Bill 6358 which would fiscally penalize students if they accumulate more than 125 percent of credits, drop more than 25 percent of credits, or remain on academic probation for more than one quarter or semester. Evergreen is concerned the proposed policies outlined in the bill would negatively impact retention and the pursuit of a college education for students.