RAD sustainability has a garden of its own! It is an excellent example of urban agriculture and the possibilities within the practice.

 The garden embraces both perennial and annual crops. We have a vertical strawberry planter built from reclaimed wood, blueberry and raspberry beds, and an herb spiral to grow medicinal herbs and companion plants that serve agricultural purposes. We also have 4 beds dedicated to growing annual crops.


These days we are reconsidering our approach to gardening.  I personally have been heavily influenced by the work of John Jeavons and Toby Hemenway .  Hemenway’s ecological gardening is a form of sustainable agriculture that stresses the multiple roles played by different elements and attempts to connect these elements in a closed cycle of naturally occurring communities where plants, insects, animals, soil life, and the gardener work as a whole.  Jeavons on the other hand stresses the practice of soil care.  Conventional methodologies require a massive infrastructure and deteriorate soil health.  Jeavons on the other hand focuses on the role of soil in a garden.  That soil is more than a growing medium; it is a valuable resource whose health can be cultivated by the miniaturization of agriculture.


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