Filing an Appeal and Notice of Hearing

Filing of Appeal

(1) A Respondent may appeal a Student Conduct Administrator’s determination of responsibility and required resolution and sanction(s) to the Student Conduct Appeals Board. An appeal must be in writing and received by the Vice President for Student Affairs within five calendar days of service of the Student Conduct Administrator’s determination of responsibility and required resolution and sanction(s).

(2) Except in cases of an interim suspension, the Respondent’s student status will not be altered until the final opportunity for appeal has passed.

Notice of Hearing
(1) After receipt of a timely request for a hearing, the Vice President for Student Affairs shall schedule a hearing before the Student Conduct Appeals Board and provide written notice to the Respondent at least seven business days in advance of the hearing. The seven days advance notice may be waived by the Vice President for Student Affairs, with the student’s permission.

(2) The written notice provided to the Respondent shall include the following:

(a) the date, time, location, and nature of the proceeding;

(b) a date by which the Respondent and Student Conduct Administrator must identify individuals who will be involved in sharing information on his or her behalf;

(c) a date by which the Student Conduct Administrator and Respondent must provide copies of any documents to be provided to the Board at the hearing. The date for providing documents must be at least two business days prior to the hearing date;

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