General Comments

Please share general overall comments on the recommended Student Conduct Code.

5 Responses to General Comments

  1. Polly says:

    Just wondering, is there a comparable Staff and Faculty Conduct Code?

  2. Polly says:

    Also, thanks for doing all this work!

  3. Wendy Endress says:

    This is specifically a code about student conduct; it was never intended to address conduct by other members of the community. Recourse for addressing alleged misconduct of faculty, staff or administration varies. Employees are expected to adhere to College policies (e.g. Non-discrimination, Smoking, and Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources) and violations of the law may be pursued by law enforcement.

    In contrast, some student violations of the law that occur on campus are handled solely by the Code through an agreement with local authorities to address minor infractions with education rather than criminal prosecution.

    Alleged misconduct of classified staff and faculty is addressed as per the respective collective bargaining agreements and contracts which delineate how the College may respond to these employees’ misconduct. Alleged misconduct of administration is addressed via the employee’s supervisor. Ultimately administrators are “at will” employees and may be terminated as deemed necessary.

  4. Bruce Wilkinson says:

    I’d scrap this entire process because it is obviously an uninspired and fearful document made by a group of people that have been gathered together out of the reactionary opportunists in this administration. It seems to me to be always the case that when tensions are high laws get thrown tighter together but when they are low they don’t get taken apart. God only gave ten commandments to Moses, does this school think they know better than god? I would maybe consider an entirely new system. It would be based upon complaints and praises. If people bother to complain about someone then an investigation goes forward by peers and such. In certain situations, such as sexual misconduct a single complaint would mean a full inquiry that would go beyond even what is outlined here. Something else might involve a polling option with complaints being countered by praises. You figure it out. All you policy wonk bureaucratic dinosaurs need to learn some creativity instead of just adding new lines to already muddled jargon and legalese. Students are going to fight you on this as I’m sure you all already know. Ever think perhaps you could come up with something that could make everybody happy instead of pissed off? Of course you all are just riding that imaginary wave of indignation that pushed for a clamp down on student conduct. I wouldn’t mind seeing a conduct code that says if the administration works with the OPD or other law enforcement agencies it must do so openly and only after ordered to do so or not at all instead of shamefully and willingly in secret. For shame, a once great institution is losing all remnants of its original inspiration only to become a vast liberal wasteland and puppet show. Seriously, you all are acting spineless. To Brett Niemann and Sabrina Webster, I don’t think I know you but do yourselves a favor, preserve your dignity and quit. Tell all the others you’re angry at them before you do it for suckering you into looking like chumps for a process that was truly flawed from the beginning. Andrea, Et tu brute? Ed, your job is so posh and easy, you’re like the sheriff of Mayberry except your town is smaller and you have a bigger staff and carry guns, why do you heap work on yourself when you know we are all about as safe as it gets already and are basically model citizens? If you don’t know that you should probably go through psychotherapy for paranoid delusions, seriously chill out! I don’t know the rest of you but you’ve all been watching too many repeats of Law and Order and I recommend taking time off cable news and cop shows. Just some suggestions folks! Good luck with your big pile of bs!

  5. Student Conduct Codes for higher education are a state WAC requirement. The Social Contract’s existence at Evergreen is proof higher education is a failure. Civil behavior begins and ends with how we define the word, “Citizen.” I spell it with a capital “C” and contractor with a small “c.” Civil servants confuse the importance of these two words.

    A conduct code and social contract already exists and it is called the Constitution of the State of Washington. The fact your last survey from campus security omitted the mention of Citizen and the question asking if students have read the State Constituion is proof Evergreen’s Social Contract is a creed and “Greener” the catholicized cult that swears by it.

    C. Jones

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