0 ESMP 2020!

Welcome everybody to the 2019-2020 school year! We are now accepting submissions for the Evergreen Student Music Project 2020. If, after submitting material, you are selected to be a part of the album project, the selected song will be recorded by the advanced audio recording students (Multitrack Composition II) during WINTER QUARTER (so plan accordingly).

The deadline is Friday of week 8! Nov. 22 2019.

ORIGINAL submissions only! (no covers or copyrighted material)

Don’t worry about how good your submitted demo sounds; it is helpful to submit a fully fleshed-out demo so we can know the direction of the song.

You can submit more than one song, but whichever song is selected by the ESMP group is the one that you will re-record in the studio during winter quarter. If you want to have input as to what makes it to the ESMP album… join the student group!

MP3 submissions work best because of maximum file upload size. If necessary you can submit a link to your song on Bandcamp, Soundcloud, etc.

Stay tuned for more details about the ESMP student group meeting. Email tescaudio@gmail.com if you want us to keep you in the loop.



we good?

– your friendly neighborhood Audio Interns


Download WAV | MP3 includes album art