Event notice: Evergreen Celebrates New Book on Lummi Carver Joe Hillaire

For those of you in the Olympia area, please join us on campus December 3  for the inaugural release of the book “A Totem Pole History: the Work of Lummi Carver Joe Hillaire.” The event will be hosted by members of “Creativity and Diversity in American Culture: Art and Narrative in Response to Place,”  The event begins at 3:00 p.m. in Seminar Building Two, Room C1105. Copies of the book will be available for purchase.

Lummi/Haida carver Felix Solomon, editor Gregory Fields, and others associated with the publication will present images and readings from the book and its accompanying video and audio CDs at the event.

Evergreen faculty member Rebecca Chamberlain commented: “The Hillaire family has played a special role in the development of Native arts, culture, and education on our campus. This is a wonderful occasion to let people know about this history.”

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    Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner ’91 on Michelle Obama’s Public Role


    Author, speaker, radio host Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner ’91

    In Politico, November 25, 2013: “The Real Feminist Nightmare. It’s definitely not Michelle Obama,” by author and activist Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner ’91.

    “When the first lady is attacked for embracing her role as “mom-in-chief”—despite her leadership in key policy areas like stemming the childhood obesity epidemic, increasing access to healthy food and aiding military families and veterans—it’s time to call foul.”

    Read the full article in Politico.
    Follow Kristin in The Huffington Post and on Twitter: @rowefinkbeiner


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      Lisa Pearson ’93 at the Crossroads of Art and Literature


      Published by Lisa Pearson’s Siglio Press: Life? Or Theater? An abbreviated Charlotte Salomon biography

      Welcome to the world of Lisa Pearson ’93, a world of books. Books as they once were, as they can be, possibly as they should be.  Exquisite, confounding, seductive, troubling, enchanting books.

      Siglio is an independent press dedicated to publishing uncommon books and editions that live at the intersection of art & literature: inimitable, visionary works by renowned as well as little known artists and writers that defy categories and thoroughly engage a reader’s intellect and imagination. Founded in 2008, somewhat prosaically in Lisa’s tiny Los Angeles garage, the press creates books fit for the most discerning aficionados.

      Learn about Siglio in Lisa’s essay “On the Small & Contrary,” and on “Affinities,” the Siglio blog.

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        Hilary Adams ’95 to Lead Omaha Community Playhouse

        Theater Director Hilary  Adams '95 takes the reins at the the Omaha Community Playhouse

        Theater Director Hilary
        Adams ’95 takes the reins at the Omaha Community Playhouse

        After 18 years as a theater director in New York City, Hilary Adams is moving west to take over artistic direction of the Omaha (Nebraska) Community Playhouse.

        An article in GO/Omaha.com quotes Hilary: “Community theater has always been at the heart of my theatrical practice.”

        “New York is more product-based,” Hilary continued. ” I was looking for the opportunity to go back to engaging the community in the process of creating theater, but not leaving behind high-quality production values.”

        Congratulations Hilary. We are sorry to lose you from the NYC Evergreen alumni circle but thrilled that you are opening a new chapter in your life.  Best of luck and please stay in touch.

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          Veterans Find a Welcoming Academic Home at Evergreen


          New Veterans Center opens at Evergreen.

          The opening of Evergreen’s new Veterans Resource Center this month coincided nicely with the release of U.S. News and World Report’s “Best Colleges for Veterans” list that ranked Evergreen in the top ten.

          “The new Veterans Resource Center is a one-stop shop for vets, where they can get advice about education and other benefits, and get help with academic, financial, medical or personal issues,” center director Randy Kelley said.

          Kelley, a retired Navy commander with years of experience working with veterans around the U.S., sees Evergreen as a strong fit for returning military eager to make use of their earned benefits.

          Read the full press release on the Evergreen web site, then click to “The Olympian” for an in-depth look at the new center and hear from some of the vets being served.

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            Standing Room Only for Robert McChesney ’76

            Robert McChesney '77

            Robert McChesney ’77

            Democracy super-advocate Robert McChesney ’76 spoke last week to a standing-room only audience in Evergreen’s “Library Underground.” The topic was a new book, “Dollarocracy
            co-authored by a frequent literary collaborator, John Nichols, Washington DC editor of “Nation” magazine.

            “Having authored or edited 23 books and been translated into 30 languages, Robert McChesney ’76, Ph.D. is  the Gutgsell Endowed Professor of Communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He co-founded of Free Press, a national media reform organization, and in 2008, was listed by Utne Reader as one of their “50 visionaries who are changing the world.”

            Grab a cup of coffee, put your feet up and enjoy the presentation on Evergreen’s You Tube channel:

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              Master in Environmental Studies Launch a New Blog


              Pack Forest, Washington State. Photo used with permission, MESsages blog

              Editor’s Note: Just across Red Square, the faculty, students and staff of the Graduate Program on the Environment are making positive changes in the world every day.  Here’s a way to stay in touch.

              MESsages, started in October 2013, is the official blog of Evergreen’s Graduate Program on the Environment, which offers a Master of Environmental Studies (MES) degree. This interdisciplinary degree teaches graduates to be creative, critical thinkers with the research skills required for the complex nature of professional environmental work and leadership. We recognize that the best environmental solutions come from a wide variety of perspectives—that is why we accept all majors, and why our students, who come to us from across the US and abroad, represent a wide range of ages, cultures, and expertise. Regardless of a student’s educational or work background, we train our graduates to build upon their strengths by creating holistic approaches to environmental challenges through exploration and collaboration.

              Stay in touch with the program via the new blog, MES Weekly or contact Gail Wootan.

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                Photographer Carli Davidson ’06: Just Watch Her Video


                Image from web-hit video, “Shake,” by Carli Davidson ’06

                Portland, Oregon photographer Carli Davidson’s  book of  portraits of dogs, “Shake,” captures images of dogs transformed by the simple action of shaking off water. The result is some crazy, mushed up faces and goofy expressions.Read full article and watch the video at NWCN.com.

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                  Evergreen’s Writing Center: Haven for the Wordsmith

                  photo 2

                  The Writing Center at Evergreen

                  string together

                  Image from The Writing Center web page

                  Tucked into a corner of the Daniel J. Evans Library Building, the Writing Center is one of the best little nooks on campus.

                  photo 1 (1)

                  Work stations feel like home in The Writing Center

                  With cozy work areas nestled here and there, individual lighting, quirky gizmos dotted around, the place offers a restorative atmosphere – small-town library mixed with the happy freedom of a kid’s clubhouse. In no time at all, hands itch for pen and paper.

                  Director and Faculty Member Sandy Yannone
                  estimates that over the years, about 300 student peer tutors have helped many hundreds of student writers.

                  Each year a self-selected sub-set of the peer tutors write and design the Center’s signature publication, “Inkwell: The Student Guide to Writing at The Evergreen State College.” Focusing on the writing process, tutoring, writing, and the intersections of society and writing, the volumes vary widely from year to year. Taken as a collection, they eloquently represent the learning collaborations that go on here. Next time you’re on campus, drop by and say hello. You might catch a whiff of inspiration.

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                    Planning Evergreen’s Curriculum the Evergreen Way


                    Future curriculum planning as community event.

                    Here’s another great “One Minute Evergreen” from the talented folks at Photoland’s “Inside Evergreen.”

                    Ever worry that the Evergreen you loved has changed, gotten more traditional, less innovative? No need to fret. Evergreen abides as the haven of collaborative teaching and learning.  Here’s example: planning the curriculum as a community event.

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